Thursday, January 31, 2013

[U.S.] Gun control hearing: Giffords pleads for change as NRA chief feels the heat

Gun control hearing: Giffords pleads for change as NRA chief feels the heat
Link to video: Gabrielle Giffords tells senators to 'be bold' in confronting gun violence. Wayne LaPierre, the firebrand executive vice-president of the National Rifle Association, came under intense questioning from Democratic members of the senate judiciary ...

Conn. Town Residents Urge Stricter Gun Control
One after another, Newtown residents stepped to the microphone and urged Connecticut lawmakers to stop another tragedy like the deadly shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School and take action, such as banning high-powered, military style rifles and ...

Republican Hagel, Obama's pick for Pentagon, faces GOP critics at confirmation ...
WASHINGTON - Republican Chuck Hagel is to be the lone witness Thursday as the Senate Armed Services Committee holds a hearing on his nomination for defense secretary.

Menendez denies reports linking him to prostitution
WASHINGTON - New Jersey Sen. Robert Menendez is denying a conservative website's report that he used prostitutes in the Dominican Republic, issuing a statement Wednesday after the FBI raided the Florida offices of a friend and donor who figured in the ...

George Zimmerman's Attorneys File Motion To Delay Trayvon Martin Trial
ORLANDO, Fla. - Attorneys for the former neighborhood watch volunteer charged with shooting Trayvon Martin to death want more time to prepare his case.

State Senate passes bill to require NCAA fine funds to stay in Pa.
HARRISBURG -- A measure that would require funds from Penn State's $60 million NCAA fine to be spent on programs within Pennsylvania passed the state Senate unanimously.

Jury mulls verdict in US Christmas bomb plot trial
PORTLAND, Oregon - The jury in the trial of a Somali-American accused of plotting to blow up a Christmas tree ceremony retired to consider its verdict after lawyers made closing arguments.

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