Thursday, January 31, 2013

[Health] Calories burned during sex overestimated, New England Journal of Medicine says

Calories burned during sex overestimated, New England Journal of Medicine says
Many widely held beliefs about weight loss don't stand up to scientific scrutiny, say doctors who want to set the public health record straight on myths like the calorie-burning benefits of sex or the value of eating breakfast.

Go vegan, slash heart disease risk
A new study from the University of Oxford has found that the risk of hospitalisation or death from heart disease is 32 per cent lower in vegetarians than people who eat meat and fish.

Consumer Reports Tackles Cancer Screening Tests
You trust Consumer Reports when it comes to buying your next car or fridge. But now, for the first time ever, consumers can get ratings of cancer screening tests the same way they do for their toaster.

Celsion's liver cancer therapy fails to meet late-stage trial goal
Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:32pm GMT. (Reuters) - Celsion Corp said a late-stage study of its experimental liver cancer treatment ThermoDox did not meet the main goal of increasing patients' survival without their cancer worsening.

Does female housework make men less sexy?
Men who do more household chores typically viewed as feminine - like cleaning, cooking and washing - have less sex than men who don't, according to a new study.

Transplant patient says new arms feel like his own
BALTIMORE - His mother can manicure his nails now. She can smooth lotion onto his fingers. She can rub her cheek over the back of his hand.

Coke Ad Called Racist: Do You Agree?
The ad depicting an Arab walking through the desert with a camel and confronting cowboys, showgirls and other characters has drawn the ire of Arab-American groups.

Diane-35: Deaths of 11 Canadian women linked to acne drug, compared to four ...
A popular acne drug under fire in Europe this week for its suspected role in the deaths of four French women may be linked to the deaths of at least 11 Canadians - including four teenagers, according to Health Canada records obtained by the Star.

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