Monday, January 28, 2013

[Health] Ariel Sharon's brain scan shows signs of activity

Ariel Sharon's brain scan shows signs of activity
Ariel Sharon, the 84-year-old former Israeli Prime Minister who has been in a vegetative state since 2006, is now reportedly responding to family photos and his son's voice.

Soldier Who Lost 4 Limbs Has Double-Arm Transplant
On Facebook, he describes himself as a "wounded warrior...very wounded." Brendan Marrocco was the first soldier to survive losing all four limbs in the Iraq War, and doctors revealed Monday that he's received a double-arm transplant.

Sixteen people in 5 states sickened with salmonella after kibbeh, a Middle ...
At least 16 people in five states have been sickened with salmonella food poisoning linked to ground beef, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Monday.

Placebo as good as most drugs for kids' migraines
By Genevra Pittman. NEW YORK | Mon Jan 28, 2013 4:17pm EST. NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - A drug-free placebo pill prevents migraines in kids and teens just as well as most headache medicines, according to a new review of past evidence.

Heart Disease, Cognitive Decline Linked in Women
Heart Disease, Cognitive Decline Linked in Women. By Charles Bankhead, Staff Writer, MedPage Today. Published: January 28, 2013. Reviewed by Zalman S. Agus, MD; Emeritus Professor, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania ...

Melanoma Genes Found In "Junk" DNA
US scientists have found two new mutations in non-coding (formerly dubbed "junk") DNA that occur in 71% of malignant melanomas.

Pregnant women should get whooping cough shot: CDC
By Genevra Pittman. NEW YORK | Mon Jan 28, 2013 5:04pm EST. NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Moms-to-be should get a booster tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap) vaccine during each pregnancy to help protect their infants from whooping cough, ...

Poor sleep can mess with our memories, especially as we age
Science has found a possible new reason for those "senior moments": a poorer night's sleep could be to blame. It's known that as we age, we don't sleep as long or as deeply.

Mastectomy may have less benefit than lumpectomy
According to a new study among early stage breast cancer survivors, those who receive a lumpectomy plus radiation and those who have a mastectomy both have similar rates of survival.

Amid controversy, Israel issues new birth-control guidelines
JERUSALEM -- Rocked by a scandal involving birth-control treatments for Ethiopian Jews, Israel's health ministry issued new guidelines on the use of the injections known commercially as Depo-Provera.

AAP: Adult Tx for Diabetes Works for Kids
Children and teens with type 2 diabetes should be treated initially with a combination of metformin and lifestyle changes, much like adults, according to a new practice guideline from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

New Strain of Norovirus â€"The Winter Vomiting Bugâ€"On the Rise
Although the flu is on everyone's minds this season, the winter vomiting bug, or the norovirus, is making its rounds. The U.S.

FDA approves alogliptin, alone and in combinations
After several years of reviews and rejections, the dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitor alogliptin has finally been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Economist claims penicillin -- not the pill -- launched sexual revolution
History points to The Pill as one of the main triggers of the cultural revolution of the 1960s. The "Swinging 60s" were a time of sexual revolution.

Sanofi Filing for Lemtrada MS Drug Accepted for Review by FDA
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration accepted Sanofi (SAN)'s application for approval of the multiple sclerosis drug Lemtrada, five months after rejecting an initial filing because of the way data was formatted.

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