Tuesday, January 1, 2013

[Health] Hillary Clinton getting blood thinners for clot

Hillary Clinton getting blood thinners for clot
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton remained in a New York hospital Monday. She was treated with anticoagulant medication after a blood clot was discovered.

Study Suggests Lower Mortality Risk for People Deemed to Be Overweight
A century ago, Elsie Scheel was the perfect woman. So said a 1912 article in The New York Times about how Miss Scheel, 24, was chosen by the “medical examiner of the 400 'co-eds' ” at Cornell University as a woman “whose very presence bespeaks ...

J&J Tuberculosis Drug Gets Fast-Track Clearance
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Johnson & Johnson's drug to treat a form of resistant tuberculosis that is uncommon in the U.S.

Recession babies may be more likely to be teen delinquents
The state of the economy during a child's infancy may have an influence on their level of substance abuse and delinquent behavior later in life.

'My Healthy Habits' app helps get rid of excuses
Now, that's going to change, she said, with the Indiana University Health "My Healthy Habits" app for the iPhone and other Apple products.

Pakistan closes 2012 with sharp rise in cases
The year 2012 has seen a sharp increase in the number of measles cases and mortality resulting from the vaccine-preventable disease in Pakistan.

Health reform: What's coming in 2013
LPN Megan Antunez gives a an allergy shot to Palmer King, 10, during an office visit to the Atlanta Allergy Clinic Monday, September 10, 2012.

Smoking doesn't relieve stress... quitting does! Study proves benefits of nicotine ...
It is yet another reason to keep that New Year's resolution about giving up smoking. Contrary to popular perception, smoking does not relieve stress.

Making your resolutions pack some punch in the new year
My friends and clients are busy making lists of changes they plan to begin in the New Year to improve their lives. It is New Years, and this is a tradition.

WITH VIDEO: Hangover Cures: Separating the Facts from the Myths
Today is News Years Day, however some people also refer to January 1st as National Hangover day. We're here to separate the myths from the facts on how to cure your booze blues.

Flu gets early start this season
Allegheny County Health Department pharmacy chief Nancy Caracciolo shows off the flu vaccine Friday September 7, 2012 inside a cooler in the department's facility in Lawrenceville.

First Chicago-area baby of 2013 clocks in at 12:08 am at St. Anthony Hospital
As the clock neared midnight Monday, Georgina Acosta was making her final pushes in a delivery room at Saint Anthony Hospital on Chicago's West Side.

Weight loss resolutions can be difficult to execute
When New Year's Eve rolls around, losing weight finds its way into a lot of resolutions. For many people, losing weight is not the problem; keeping the weight off is where most people run afoul.

United Nations mourns Levi-Montalcini
UNITED NATIONS, Dec. 31 (UPI) -- The head of the United Nations food agency has mourned the passing of renowned Italian scientist and physician Rita Levi Montalcini.

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