Monday, January 28, 2013

[Science] Hot cities make for bad weather neighbors say researchers

Hot cities make for bad weather neighbors say researchers
A rogue butterfly may flaps its wings and cause a hurricane a continent away, but waste heat from cities is causing widespread climate change closer to home and on a regular basis, new research suggests.

Iranian state TV says country has successfully sent monkey into space
TEHRAN, Iran - Iran said Monday it has successfully sent a monkey into space, describing the launch as another step toward Tehran's goal of a manned space flight.

Scientists win 2 billion euros to fight brain disease, study graphene
By Claire Davenport. BRUSSELS | Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:55am EST. BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission will award a total of 2 billion euros for research into brain disease and into the "miracle material" graphene which could be used to make ...

Dung beetles guided by Milky Way
By Alan Boyle, Science Editor, NBC News. Follow @b0yle. When dung beetles roll their tiny balls of poop across the sands of South Africa on a moonless night, they look to the glow of our Milky Way galaxy as a navigational aid, researchers report.

Miniature Star Trek-Style 'Tractor Beam' Created in Lab
We are so living in the future. A group of scientists from Scotland and the Czech Republic says it's managed to drag around teeny-tiny objects using nothing more than a beam of light.

How Should Washington Address Climate Change?
"We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations," Obama told the nation in his Inaugural Address last week.

Climate shocker: Carry on as we are until 2050, planet will be FINE
New research produced by a Norwegian government project, described as "truly sensational" by independent experts, indicates that humanity's carbon emissions produce far less global warming than had been thought: so much so that there is no danger of ...

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