Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[Health] Another scare story about cancer

Another scare story about cancer
Yesterday, I was on my feet and fighting from the second that presenter John Humphrys introduced a report on breast cancer. The Independent Breast Screening Review found that while 1,300 lives a year are saved by the national breast cancer screening ...

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Could Improve Memory For Healthy Young Adults
10/30/2012 3:27 PM ET Omega-3 fatty acids may help healthy young adults to further improve their working memory, says a new study from researchers at the University of Pittsburgh.

Smoking Bans Decrease Number Of Heart Attacks, Strokes
10/30/2012 2:17 PM ET A study from the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education says that smoking bans quickly and drastically cut the number of people hospitalized for heart attacks, strokes and respiratory diseases (October 29).

What Canada can teach us about fixing Medicare
There are a lot of big differences between health care in the United States and Canada. But when you look at how the two countries provide care for the elderly, it's actually pretty similar.

Obese teens more likely to develop end-stage kidney disease
Overweight and obese teens may be setting themselves up for a future of kidney disease, according to a new study. Researchers found that teens who carried extra weight at the time they were 17 were more likely to have all-cause treated end-stage renal ...

Scientists Move Closer to a Lasting Flu Vaccine
As this year's flu season gathers steam, doctors and pharmacists have a fresh stock of vaccines to offer their patients. The vaccines usually provide strong protection against the virus, but only for a while.

So What Happened to All of the Subway Rats?
Self-segregation is the only reason that rats and humans have been able to co-exist in this great city of ours. With certain exceptions, people tend to the surface world, while rats rule the subway tunnels.

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