Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[Health] Breast Cancer: Stuff They Never Tell You

Breast Cancer: Stuff They Never Tell You
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. Hearing the words, "I'm sorry, but it's cancer," comes as a shock to anyone, and I never thought I would hear them that day.

Study: Anti-smoking laws reduce rate of heart attacks, strokes
Anti-smoking laws seem to be paying off in the form of less hospital visits and a lower number of heart attacks. In a study reported online in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers discovered that “smoke-free laws” in 33 locales led to a 15 percent ...

Medical marijuana raises too many unanswered issues
Seriously ill patients who feel that marijuana eases their pain should have an opportunity to get legal access to it. Those skeptical of its benefits should consider the claims of cancer patients that marijuana curbs the nausea associated with some forms of ...

Oncology Nurse Experiences the Other Side of Cancer
This was Cindy Menzies' second year participating in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. She is pictured here with her husband, Bob.

Easier to sweat while wet, study finds
During spinning class, I often find myself wishing I was in a pool. For one, water would make the sweat dripping down my back less noticeable.

Adult Kidney Failure Tied to Excess Weight as Teen
Oct. 29, 2012 -- Being overweight or obese as a teen is tied to higher risk of kidney failure by midlife, a new study shows. The study points to yet another looming consequence of the childhood obesity epidemic -- growing ranks of adults who will need dialysis ...

Two dentists' offices offer cash for excess Halloween candy
Got too much candy? A couple of local dentists' offices are willing to take it off your hands. They're paying $1 a pound to trick-or-treaters willing to part with part of their hauls the day after Halloween.

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