Wednesday, October 31, 2012

[Health] AP Examines Future Of AMFm Following Conflicting Reports On Program's ...

AP Examines Future Of AMFm Following Conflicting Reports On Program's ...
Wednesday, October 31, 2012. The Associated Press examines the debate over the future of the Affordable Medicines Facility-malaria (AMFm), after the recent release of two papers evaluating the program's effectiveness.

Health Canada lifts hold on Novartis flu shots
TORONTO -- Health Canada has lifted its hold on Novartis flu vaccines, saying they are safe to use. Provinces and territories that have bought Novartis vaccines for this year's flu shot campaigns can now resume use of the products, the department said in a ...

Breast cancer survivors' outlook on health linked to English skills
A lack of English-language proficiency has been linked to a poorer perception of overall health in Hispanic breast cancer survivors, indicates research data presented this week at the Fifth American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Conference on ...

'Climb stairs': Amputee to scale US skyscraper with thought-controlled bionic leg
'Climb stairs': Amputee to scale US skyscraper with thought-controlled bionic leg. A US man who lost his right leg in a motorcycle accident is to attempt history by using a thought-controlled bionic leg to reach the top of one of the world's tallest skyscrapers ...

Smokers miss work more often, cost UK billions: study
(Reuters) - Smokers miss an average of two or three more days of work each year than non-smokers, with this absenteeism costing the UK alone 1.4 billion pounds - or $2.25 billion - last year, according to a UK study.

To Lose Weight, It Helps to Train the Brain First
”It's easy to quit smoking,” Mark Twain supposedly said. “I've done it hundreds of times.” Something similar could be said of losing weight: It's relatively easy to drop a few pounds, but keeping them off is much trickier.

Block: UCLA to go tobacco-free in April,0,2230695.story
To the Campus Community: I am proud to inform you that I have accepted the recommendation of UCLA's Tobacco-Free Steering Committee that UCLA become a tobacco-free campus effective April 22, 2013.

Fate of Medical Marijuana in Massachusetts to Be Decided By People
The fate of marijuana in Massachusetts will be decided by people. Depending upon the decision of the voters, it will be decided whether marijuana will be legally provided to people for medical purposes.

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