Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[Science] Hurricane Sandy filmed from space

Hurricane Sandy filmed from space
While hurricane Sandy wreaked devastation down on earth, from space, the view was deceptively more serene, and even beautiful. NASA released a video of post-tropical cyclone Sandy, shot from the International Space Station, this morning (October 30), ...

Moon's mysterious 'ocean of storms' explained
The largest dark spot on the moon, known as the Ocean of Storms, may be a scar from a giant cosmic impact that created a magma sea more than a thousand miles wide and several hundred miles deep, researchers say.

To Deflect Asteroids From Earth, Deploy Paintballs By The Ton
We can't do much to deflect a hurricane, but we may have a pretty good defense against asteroids. A particularly pale asteroid could reflect so much sunlight that the photons bouncing from it could create enough force to steer it away.

Vision evolved 700 million years ago, researchers find
When did the ability to see evolve? According to eye-opening new research, the first light-sensitive proteins that made vision possible first appeared some 700 million years ago, about 160 million years earlier than previously known.

Jurassic Turtle Graveyard Found in China
turtle fossils found in Xinjiang in China. "This site has probably more than doubled the known number of individual turtles from the Jurassic," said University of Tübingen turtle expert Walter Joyce.

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