Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[World] Syrian air force general 'killed by rebels'

Syrian air force general 'killed by rebels'
A senior Syrian air force general has been killed in a Damascus suburb, state television reports. Abdullah Mahmoud al-Khalidi was shot dead late on Monday in the capital's Rukn al-Din district, it said.

Rising Ukrainian nationalist party denies it is anti-Semitic
Rising Ukrainian nationalist party denies it is anti-Semitic. The leader of Svoboda, which won 9 percent of the votes for parliament, rejects claims that his party hates foreigners: 'There could be nationalistic parties in Israel as well.

Gay man elected governor of Sicily
Rosario Crocetta, Sicily, gay news, Washington Blade. Rosario Crocetta, former mayor of Gela who became known as an outspoken crusader against the Sicilian Mafia, came in first place in a ten candidate race.

In Haiti, Officials Fear Rising Food Prices and Increase in Cholera Cases
Almost three years after an earthquake devastated Haiti, the country now faces another threat after Hurricane Sandy: rising food prices and an increase in cholera cases in Caribbean nation where storm killed 52 people.

Clinton Travels to Algiers Seeking Help in Fighting Mali Extremists
The fight against Muslim extremists in northern Mali has reached such a critical point that President Obama sent U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Algeria to talk to Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika about backing West African efforts to stop ...

Poland denies explosives found on wreck of crashed jet
1 of 3. Polish military prosecutor Ireneusz Szelag (L) and press spokesman Zbigniew Rzepa arrive for a news conference in Warsaw October 30, 2012.

Iran Naval Commanders Meet With Sudan Counterparts
By NICHOLAS BARIYO. KAMPALA, Ugandaâ€"Iranian naval commanders met Tuesday with their counterparts in Sudan to discuss joint training exercises in the wake of explosions at a weapons factory that was blamed on Israel.

French prime minister backs down in 35 hour work week row
French prime minister backs down in 35 hour work week row. France's beleaguered prime minister has been forced into an embarrassing climbdown after suggesting a change to the country's historic 35-hour work week, only to back track after being criticised ...

Scotland Yard could be sold as part of £500m savings plan
The Metropolitan Police is drawing up plans to sell New Scotland Yard - its home for almost half a century - in a bid to save £500m a year from its budget.

Opposition Leader Sentenced to 8 Years in...
A Rwandan court sentenced the country's top opposition political leader to eight years in prison on Tuesday for treason and on a charge unique to this central African nation torn apart by vicious ethnic attacks 18 years ago - genocide ideology.

Kim Jong-un's Wife Reappears After Myseterous 50 Day Absence
Ri Sol-ju, the wife of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un who had disappeared from the media, made her first public appearance in over 50 days.

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