Wednesday, October 31, 2012

[Science] Hurricane Born in Africa Hit Coast as Ferocious Freak

Hurricane Born in Africa Hit Coast as Ferocious Freak
The tropical wave started off Africa's west coast in early October. It took its time, perhaps two weeks, to make the 4,500-mile trek to the warm waters of the Caribbean.

2-story waves on Great Lakes halt cargo shipping
Associated Press. TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. - Cargo shipping on the Great Lakes is at a standstill as crews have taken refuge from waves up to 20 feet high churned up by superstorm Sandy.

DARPA's Pet-Proto Robot Climbs, Jumps Through Obstacles (VIDEO)
Here's a scenario: you're trapped under rubble in the middle of a storm, and a large Transformer-esque robot comes shakily charging toward you to help, climbing and leaping over obstacles in the way.

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