Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[Science] Hurricane Born in Africa Hit Coast as Ferocious Freak

Hurricane Born in Africa Hit Coast as Ferocious Freak
The tropical wave started off Africa's west coast in early October. It took its time, perhaps two weeks, to make the 4,500-mile trek to the warm waters of the Caribbean.

Curiosity bites into Mars, and it tastes like Earth
Three "bite marks" left in the Martian ground by the scoop on the robotic arm of NASA's Mars rover Curiosity, in an image taken by the rover's right navigation camera during the mission's 69th Martian day, or sol, Oct. 15.

Fascinating tales of high tide and a big bag of dog food
Today's question: With regard to Hurricane Sandy, why did they keep saying in the coverage of the storm that it would be complicated by the fact there would be a full moon at the same time as the storm and that would make for higher tides?

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