Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[Health] Guest commentary: Two questions to ask before buying pink

Guest commentary: Two questions to ask before buying pink
As October winds down we'll likely see one last push for pink. Thousands of firms sell pink products trying to show their support for women.

Power out at NYC hospital; 200 patients evacuate
NEW YORK - A backup generator failed at a New York City hospital, forcing it to move out more than 200 patients, including 20 babies from neonatal intensive care.

Climate change adding sting to mosquito bite, says WHO report
NEW DELHI: The warning is ominous - climate change and global warming will make vector-borne diseases like dengue and malaria - already causing havoc in the country more lethal.

New Study Shows that Omega-3 Supplements Can Boost Memory in Young Adults
In the first study of its kind, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have determined that healthy young adults ages 18-25 can improve their working memory even further by increasing their Omega-3 fatty acid intake with fish oil supplements.

5 Tips for a Healthy Halloween
Halloween is that sweet time of year when children can collect and eat as much candy as they want. But with the obesity rate triple what it was a generation ago, and the number of cavities among children increasing for the first time in 40 years, some health ...

Pain-free ER visits for kids may lead to less fear of doctors
Being in an emergency room can cause a lot of anxiety, especially for children. A new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that managing pain and lowering stress might be able to make the visit less scary for the young folks while not ...

Manhattan in darkness, 14ft flooding and infrastructure grinds to a halt... and now ...
Rats scurrying to escape rising floodwaters in New York could spread diseases as they infest new areas, according to a nature expert.

The Six Biggest Myths About The Flu Vaccine
Flu season is just around the corner, and it typically stretches through the early spring. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recommending that everyone older than 6 months get their flu shot.

Heavy Kids Face Future Kidney Risks
Overweight and obese teens are more likely to develop renal failure later in life, a population-based study from Israel showed. Overweight at age 17 was associated with a three-fold elevated incidence of end-stage renal disease over the subsequent 25 years, ...

Study: Early Autism Intervention Can Alter Brain Development, Improve Social ...
PROBLEM: The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), an intervention program developed at the University of Washington and UC Davis, was previously shown to have measurable effects on the IQ, communication skills, and social interactions of toddlers under ...

Doe! Deer-Collisions and Repair Costs on The Rise
If you live in West Virginia, you may want to hold on to your comprehensive car insurance -- Mountain State drivers are more likely to crash into a deer than drivers in any other state, according to statistics released this week by State Farm.

Toddler struck by tree limb undergoes brain surgery
The family of a 2-year-old boy critically injured by a falling tree limb said they are hoping for a miracle recovery. "Right now they told us it's hour-to-hour,รข€ said Kevin Condon, Tripp Halstead's uncle.

USC gets $25M endowment from former WellPoint CEO
LOS ANGELES (AP) - The University of Southern California has received a $25 million endowment from the former chief of WellPoint health insurance.

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