Wednesday, October 31, 2012

[Science] Curiosity finds Mars soil a distant cousin of Hawaii

Curiosity finds Mars soil a distant cousin of Hawaii
NASA's Martian rover, Curiosity, has beamed back early results from its first mouthful of red soil, with signs that the Mars dust is similar in composition to Hawaiian volcanic basalt.

Part Of The Space Shuttle Enterprise May Have Been Torn Away During ...
Count Space Shuttle Enterprise as another one of Sandy's victims. The 60-foot-high pavilion protecting the space shuttle aboard the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum's flight deck collapsed during the superstorm Monday night.

EarthLink expands data center, fiber network footprint
EarthLink (Nasdaq: ELNK) on Tuesday set forth plans to simultaneously expand its core fiber and IP-based network and build out four additional data centers to support its emerging cloud hosting platform.

Humanoid Robots Go Where Rescuers Can't
Purdue Univ. is participating in an international effort led by Drexel Univ. to create robots that could respond to disasters, including those involving radioactive or bio-contamination hazards.

Russian craft makes Halloween delivery to space station
A robotic Russian cargo spacecraft made a Halloween delivery to the International Space Station on Wednesday. The unmanned Progress 49 spacecraft blasted off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 3:41 a.m.

Concerns cited about labeling rare fish endangered
PERRYVILLE, Mo. (AP) - A small cave-dwelling fish found only in Perry County, Mo., could be added to the federal Endangered Species List, and many residents of the county are upset about it.

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