Wednesday, October 31, 2012

[World] Barak: Israel won't outsource its security to anyone

Barak: Israel won't outsource its security to anyone
Israel will not outsource its vital security interests to anyone, “not even to our closest and most trusted allies,” Defense Minister Ehud Barak said in London on Wednesday.

Cyclone Nilam Hits the Southeastern Coast of India
Cyclone Nilam has struck the southeastern coast of India, bringing with it severe flooding and winds almost as strong as superstorm Sandy.

Vladimir Putin to get a new, Russian-made ride
Advertisements. Vladimir Putin to get a new, Russian-made ride. Putin has decided to ditch foreign-made armored limos in favor of a Russian model.

Wedding sparks fire, killing 23
RIYADH: Wedding guests fired into the air in a celebration of the happy couple. Soon, 23 people were dead. The shots at the event in Saudi Arabia struck an electrical pole, which then collapsed, sparking a fire, according to state media.

Hurricane Sandy: Haiti in emergency aid plea as disaster piles upon disaster
Haiti and the United Nations are planning an appeal for emergency aid after Hurricane Sandy killed 54 people and devastated crops last week before going on to hit the United States.

Bahrain government bans protests amid violence
Bahrain has banned all protests and gatherings amid clashes between police and anti-government demonstrators. Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Al Khalifah said "repeated abuse" of the rights to freedom of speech and expression could no longer be ...

Libya Parliament Approves New Premier's Cabinet
CAIRO - The Libyan Parliament voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to approve the new prime minister's cabinet, ending months of uncertainty about who was in charge of the government.

Corporal Daniel Keighran receives Victoria Cross for Afghanistan courage
Royal Australian Regiment corporal Daniel Keighran received the nation's highest military honour today for repeatedly drawing enemy fire during a 2010 battle in which one of his mates was killed.

Clinton Urges Serbia to Accept Kosovo's Borders
PRISTINA, Kosovo - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Wednesday that Serbs must accept that they cannot change Kosovo's borders, as the United States and the European Union pressed Serbia and Kosovo to normalize relations.

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