Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[World] Kuwait arrests opposition leader over emir comments

Kuwait arrests opposition leader over emir comments
KUWAIT (Reuters) - Kuwaiti authorities arrested an opposition leader late on Monday after he made comments viewed as critical of the Gulf Arab state's ruler, a political activist said.

Dutch leaders introduce coalition government, billions in budget cuts, and a ...
The Dutch have been extremely busy. Yesterday, the Labour and Liberal parties announced a new coalition governmentâ€"47 days after the September electionsâ€"budget cuts and tax hikes of €16 billion ($20.6 billion), and a new government theme: Building ...

Turkish police fire tear gas at banned secularist march
Turkish police fired tear gas and water cannon to disperse thousands of secularists protesting at a banned rally in the capital on Monday against what they see as an increasingly authoritarian and Islamist government.

Presspectiva: Haaretz 'Apartheid' Survey is False and Biased
A recent survey conducted and presented by “Haaretz” newspaper claimed that the majority of Jews in Israel advocates the instating of an apartheid regime, and further claimed that most Israelis believe that currently there are areas in which apartheid ...

Typhoon-triggered flooding leaves 70 boats missing on China-Vietnam border ...
NANNING, Oct. 30 (Xinhua) -- Typhoon Son-Tinh has brought strong wind and downpours to south China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region since Sunday, sinking six boats and causing another 70 to go missing on a China-Vietnam border river, police ...

Death of 17th Somali journalist this year
The toll of murdered journalists in Somalia has risen further - to 17 this year - with the death in hospital of 22-year-old reporter and website editor Mohamed Mohamud Turyare.

Unexploded WWII bomb forces Japanese airport to close
Unexploded WWII bomb forces Japanese airport to close. A major airport in north-east Japan was shut down throughout Tuesday after a construction team unearthed an unexploded bomb, apparently a legacy of heavy bombardment of an airfield that ...

'Likud-Beytenu' passes by a landslide
The Likud Central Committee approved the Likud-Yisrael Beytenu merger on Monday night in a landslide victory for Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Poll: Australians Split Over PM's Sexism Judgment
Australians appear to be split over Prime Minister Julia Gillard's judgment that her main political rival is sexist. In a fiery speech to Parliament on Oct. 9, Gillard branded opposition leader Tony Abbott a misogynist for a string of allegedly sexist comments.

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