Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[U.S.] Sandy's 'mammoth' wake: 40 dead, millions without power, transit

Sandy's 'mammoth' wake: 40 dead, millions without power, transit
As New York City and New Jersey slowly began digging out Tuesday, the scale of the devastation of Superstorm Sandy became heartbreakingly apparent, leaving at least 40 people dead and authorities with an enormous undertaking to restore power and ...

Sandy spins on; Winds push Great Lakes waves to near record levels
Sandy spins on; Winds push Great Lakes waves to near record levels. Posted at 5:09 PM on October 30, 2012 by Paul Huttner (0 Comments).

Supreme Court to consider how and when police can use drug-sniffing dogs
Supreme Court to consider how and when police can use drug-sniffing dogs. The US Supreme Court considers Wednesday whether the Florida Supreme Court was correct in making it harder for law enforcement to use dogs to discover illicit drugs in a home ...

Malloy tours storm batterd shoreline
GREENWICH, Conn. (WTNH) -- Governor Dannel Malloy spent part of the day Tuesday touring some of the hardest hit areas of the state.

UPDATE 2-Obama and Christie make unlikely traveling companions
Says president "outstanding" in his response to storm. * FEMA has been "excellent," governor says. * New Jersey declared a federal disaster area.

Ryan budget could hammer storm aid, critics say
Mitt Romney says he wants to give states more power to deal with disasters like Hurricane Sandy. But his running mate's budget plan would threaten states' ability to respond to massive storms, some experts say.

Seaside Heights swallowed up by Hurricane Sandy's surge
SEASIDE HEIGHTS - Waves are pounding the beach with crushing force, while the wind and whipping rains are making it hard to walk. The Seaside Heights beach has been completely swallowed up by Sandy's surge, with each wave carrying splintered ...

Colorado teen charged as adult in killing of Jessica Ridgeway, 10
Austin Sigg, 17, was charged Tuesday as an adult with 17 counts in the Ridgeway case and in an attack on a jogger. They include four murder charges, kidnapping and sexual assault on a child.

Staten Island hard hit by Sandy
Associated Press. NEW YORK - Sandy hit Staten Island hard, knocking down parts of houses, tossing boats and cars around and swamping parks and streets.

Avoiding Trick-or-Treat Candy Over-Consumption
Halloween is here, and for many moms and dads this means the extremes of sugar highs and sugar crashes. Although we all want our kids to enjoy the fun and sweetness of Halloween, we all know there can be "too much of a good thing" when it comes to ...

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