Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[U.S.] At least 40 dead, millions without power in Sandy's aftermath

At least 40 dead, millions without power in Sandy's aftermath
NEW YORK - Millions of people from Maine to the Carolinas waited wearily for the power to come back on Tuesday, and New Yorkers found themselves all but cut off from the modern world as the U.S.

Rescued kidnapping victim Elizabeth Smart praises Penn State for conference ...
STATE COLLEGE, Pa. - Former kidnapping and sexual-abuse victim Elizabeth Smart has praised Penn State for a conference on child sexual abuse and its prevention after the Jerry Sandusky molestation scandal.

Obama, Romney stay public during storm, but with focus on victims, not politics
The Obama and Romney camps cautiously prepared Tuesday for the final stretch of campaigning, announcing events in the battleground states of Colorado and Ohio as both candidates kept their focus on relief efforts in the aftermath of superstorm Sandy ...

Hurricane Sandy: Red Cross, Other Relief Organizations Expand Reach ...
As Hurricane Sandy eases away from the East Coast and the aftermath begins, major charitable organizations increasing their reach and personalizing relief efforts thanks to social media.

Congressman's house among those ravaged by Sandy
Damage caused by a fire at Breezy Point is shown Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012, in New York. A fire department spokesman says more than 190 firefighters are at the blaze in the Breezy Point section.

Prosecutor: Boy Planned Shooting of Neo-Nazi Dad
The 10-year-old son of a neo-Nazi leader told his younger sister that he planned to shoot their father, then a day later took a gun from his parents' bedroom and fired one bullet into his father's head as he slept on a couch, a prosecutor alleged Tuesday.

Connecticut picks up the pieces after Sandy
Connecticut picks up the pieces after Sandy. Gary Stoller, USA TODAYShare. Comments. Governor pressing power companies to get power back on for thousands facing another night in darkness.

Sandy Grounds Northeast Air Travel
Anyone hoping to fly to or from the northeastern U.S. today was largely out of luck, and Wednesday won't be much better, at least around New York City.

Scott Brown switches tone on fourth debate from pre- to post-storm, pre- to post ...
By Glen Johnson, Globe Staff. On Friday afternoon, Senator Scott Brown was asked about the possibility of an approaching Hurricane Sandy affecting plans for his fourth and final debate with Elizabeth Warren today.

UPDATE 2-Obama and Christie make unlikely traveling companions
Says president "outstanding" in his response to storm. * FEMA has been "excellent," governor says. * New Jersey declared a federal disaster area.

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