Wednesday, October 31, 2012

[World] More bloodshed if West insists on Assad ouster: Lavrov

More bloodshed if West insists on Assad ouster: Lavrov
PARIS: Russia on Wednesday warned that the "bloodbath" in Syria would continue if the West stuck to its demand for President Bashar al-Assad's ouster.

Greek Parliament Narrowly Passes Privatization Law
By ALKMAN GRANITSAS, NEKTARIA STAMOULI and PHILIP PANGALOS. ATHENSâ€"Greece's parliament narrowly approved a law in a fractious vote Wednesday that would give the government greater flexibility to privatize the country's public utilities, ...

Marine surveillance around Diaoyu Islands normal activity: FM spokesman
BEIJING, Oct. 31 (Xinhua) -- A Foreign Ministry spokesman said Wednesday that the recent patrol conducted by marine surveillance vessels in waters near the Diaoyu Islands constitutes a "normal activity" intended to exercise China's jurisdiction over the ...

Cyclone Nilam crosses Tamil Nadu coast, to weaken into depression
The cyclonic storm Nilam on Wednesday crossed the North Tamil Nadu coast near Mahabalipuram and is expected to weaken gradually into a deep depression.

China announces new proposal on Syria
BEIJING, Oct. 31 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on Wednesday elaborated China's new four-point proposal on a political resolution to the Syrian conflict, urging all parties in Syria to cease fire and violence and begin political transition at an ...

The Palestinian Authority: Strategic Moves On The International Front
The stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations and the lack of prospects for their resumption anytime soon has persuaded the Palestinian Authority (PA) to chart its own course by applying to the United Nations General Assembly (U.

David Cameron: I would like an EU budget cut but would settle for a freeze
David Cameron: I would like an EU budget cut but would settle for a freeze. David Cameron will today battle to stop rebel Tory MPs voting for a cut in the EU budget - despite admitting lower Brussels spending would be "best".

Many Rohingya missing as boat sinks off Bangladesh
About 120 people are missing after their boat capsized in the Bay of Bengal, police in Bangladesh say. Survivors say many of those on the boat were Rohingya Muslims who have fled recent ethnic violence in Burma.

Israeli, French Leaders Push for Iran Sanctions
Israel's prime minister and France's president, despite differences over the Mideast peace process, are pushing together for firmer sanctions on Iran to keep it from developing nuclear weapons.

Austerity backlash hits Portugal in eurozone crisis
In crisis-hit Portugal mass protests have already forced one government retreat - on plans to increase social security contributions.

Hundreds of millions of Japan tsunami money spent on other projects
Hundreds of millions of Japan tsunami money spent on other projects. Hundreds of millions of pounds earmarked for reconstruction efforts in parts of Japan devastated by last year's earthquake has been spent on projects that do little to assist those worst ...

Sexual harassment spikes over Egyptian holiday
CAIRO: Egypt's president acknowledged the widespread problem of sexual harassment in his country Tuesday, ordering his interior minister to investigate a rash of assaults during a just-completed Muslim holiday.

Israeli official: Iran pulled back from the 'red line' brink
(CBS NEWS) -- Unbeknownst to the general public, the "red line" on the Iranian crisis was moved back by several months this past summer, averting what could have turned into a major international crisis, an Israeli official said Tuesday.

'Celebratory' gunfire at Saudi wedding brings down electricity cable killing 23 ...
'Celebratory' gunfire at Saudi wedding brings down electricity cable killing 23 women and children. Stray bullets brought down a high voltage power line at the wedding in eastern Saudi Arabia; An electrical fire broke out at a women's only marquee at the ...

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