Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[Health] Viewpoint: Weighing the pros and cons of breast screening

Viewpoint: Weighing the pros and cons of breast screening
The Independent Breast Screening Review Panel should be commended for the work that they have done. In particular they have highlighted the fact that breast cancer screening is associated with both benefits and harms.

NYU Hospital Knew Generators Subpar Before Evacuation, Cohn Says
New York University Hospital's board of directors knew that generators at NYU Langone Medical Center were outdated and at risk before their failure during Hurricane Sandy forced patients to evacuate, said Gary Cohn, a trustee.

Smoking bans really do slash heart attacks and strokes, largest ever study finds
Smoking bans really do slash heart attacks and strokes, largest ever study finds. The more stringent the laws, the better the health benefits, American researchers found; Hospital admissions for heart attacks fell by 15%, strokes by 16% and those for ...

Minn. confirms 10th meningitis case
ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - Minnesota on Tuesday confirmed its 10th case of fungal meningitis in a national outbreak tied to a tainted steroid from a Massachusetts pharmacy.

TauRx Begins Late-Stage Trials on Alzheimer's Drug
TauRx Therapeutics Ltd. started enrolling patients in the U.S. for two late-stage clinical trials to test an experimental treatment for mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease.

A Diet That Asks You Not to Lose Weight (at First)
Oct. 30, 2012 -- Perhaps the best time to learn how to avoid regaining lost pounds is before you shed a single one, according to a new study.

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