Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[Technology] Sandy deals a blow to popular US websites

Sandy deals a blow to popular US websites
The Huffington Post and other popular US websites struggled to get back on their feet Tuesday after superstorm Sandy knocked them out of cyberspace.

The long, NeXT and crazy-talk of Apple's management shakeup
The long, NeXT and crazy-talk of Apple's management shakeup. Summary: There are many theories over the recent management shakeup at Apple and the departure of Scott Forstall.

Yacht commissioned by Steve Jobs launched
The Hague, Netherlands: The sleek, white superyacht glistens under a gray autumnal sky, a posthumous testament to the design aesthetic of Steve Jobs.

Another Sandy Casualty: Cell Networks
If it seemed on Tuesday like your smartphone was having unusual trouble making calls or wasn't pulling down web pages with its usual vigor, it probably wasn't your imagination.

First impressions of the well-designed HTC Windows Phone 8X
First impressions of the well-designed HTC Windows Phone 8X. Summary: Microsoft's new Windows Phone 8 OS is launching on a couple of HTC devices and the first one I tested is the HTC Windows Phone 8X.

Ford unveils a twin turbocharged 5.0L Mustang Cobra Jet at SEMA
Every year, the folks from Ford Racing bring something to the SEMA Show in Las Vegas that is sure to be a showstopper and this year - that special something that will become the center of attention in the massive Ford Motor Company display is the ...

Splintered News on 3 Touch Screens for the Holidays
Hollywood studios try to avoid opening big movies on the same weekend, to avoid diluting the buzz and the press coverage. “Oh, no - we can't open that day,” one might say.

'Halo 4' Lays Out The Mission With The 'Spartan Ops Season 1 Trailer'
Halo 4 is out next week and of course, it includes with the whole grand return of the Master Chief and the usual host of multiplayer modes.

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