Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[Science] UPDATE 1-Hurricane Sandy losses may be twice those of Irene

UPDATE 1-Hurricane Sandy losses may be twice those of Irene
Sandy losses likely more than Irene's $4.5 bln-RMS. * Insured losses from Sandy up to $10 bln-Eqecat. * Analysts see little material impact to insurers.

Opportunity: Longest-Running Mars Rover
Opportunity passed its warranty date long ago, but the rover is still healthy and changing our perceptions of Mars after years of work on the Red Planet.

Moon's mysterious 'ocean of storms' explained
The largest dark spot on the moon, known as the Ocean of Storms, may be a scar from a giant cosmic impact that created a magma sea more than a thousand miles wide and several hundred miles deep, researchers say.

Thanks, New York, for taking care of the shuttle
Look, I know it's really a terrible thing to be struck by a hurricane, and I know the northeast is a mess right now. The last thing they're worried about is some damage to a space shuttle.

Space shuttle Endeavour exhibit officially opens to public
The children filed into the building two by two, holding hands with their classmates so they wouldn't get lost in the crowd. Some pointed and grinned.

Welcome the New Robot National Guard
As Sandy's windy tentacles ease their strangle-hold on New England, the Pentagon is calling on the country's top engineers to build an ensemble of rescue robots that would deploy when the next big one hits.

Impressive rebound for the impressively big trumpeter swans
They're back - and making no secret of their presence. Huge trumpeter swans, the impressive white birds with a 7-foot wingspan that weigh up to 28 pounds, are steadily increasing their numbers - particularly in Alaska.

Study points to early evolution of vision
BRISTOL, England, Oct. 30 (UPI) -- British and Irish researchers say their studies have shed light on how and when vision evolved, and that it may have evolved earlier than previously thought.

UPDATE: Exact Sciences' Q3 Revenues Flat
The story has been updated to include comments from a conference call. NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) - Exact Sciences said today that revenues in the third quarter came in flat year over year as the firm matched consensus Wall Street estimates on the ...

Geneva devastated by monster tsunami, millions at risk
Geologists have found the culprit behind a huge tsunami that devastated the site of the Swiss city of Geneva in 563 AD and say a similar wave could be in the city's future.

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