Tuesday, October 30, 2012

[Science] Jennifer Granholm: Hurricane Sandy linked with climate change

Jennifer Granholm: Hurricane Sandy linked with climate change
As Hurricane Sandy ravaged the East Coast, Current TV explored the science behind it Monday and asked a pointed question: Why isn't anyone chalking this up to global warming?

New Insight On Vision: Eyes Evolved Earlier Than Thought
10/30/2012 8:59 AM ET The evolution of eye has been a hotly debated subject. In both vertebrates and invertebrates, opsins play a key role in vision.

Hurricane Sandy: Why Full Moon Makes "Frankenstorm" More Monstrous
Expected to affect as many as 60 million people from North Carolina to New England, Hurricane Sandy's been dubbed Frankenstorm as much for its monstrous proportions as for the disparate factors that have fueled its fury.

Agreement to Distribute Archimedes Particle Metrology System
Malvern Instruments has entered upon an agreement with Affinity Biosensors, a recent report has revealed. The same would probably prove to be an extension of the solutions' range offered by the materials characterization company in Malvern, UK, to the ...

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