Wednesday, October 31, 2012

[U.S.] East Coast looks to rebuild after Sandy leaves death, destruction in wake ...

East Coast looks to rebuild after Sandy leaves death, destruction in wake ...
People in the coastal corridor battered by superstorm Sandy took the first cautious steps to reclaim routines upended by the monster storm, even as rescuers combed neighborhoods strewn with debris and scarred by floods and fire.

Ohio Working Class May Offer Key to Obama's Re-election
COLUMBUS, Ohio - As President Obama and Mitt Romney enter the closing week of the presidential race, where the 18 electoral votes of Ohio are seen by both sides as critical to victory, Mr. Obama's ability to prevent erosion among working-class voters ...

South Dakota executes man for murder of girl
Convicted killer Donald Moeller during a court appearance in Sioux Falls, S.D. Moeller was executed for the 1990 killing of 9-year-old Becky O'Connell.

The Man Behind @ComfortablySmug, Hurricane Sandy's Worst Twitter Villain
During the storm last night, user @comfortablysmug was the source of a load of frightening but false information about conditions in New York City that spread wildly on Twitter and onto news broadcasts before Con Ed, the MTA, and Wall Street sources had to ...

National Guard comes to aid of flooded Hoboken, NJ
A resident walks through flood water and past a stalled ambulance in the aftermath of superstorm Sandy on Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012 in Hoboken, NJ.

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