Monday, October 29, 2012

[U.S.] Over a dozen dead, over 5 million without power as Sandy pummels the East ...

Over a dozen dead, over 5 million without power as Sandy pummels the East ...
Monster Storm Sandy slammed into the East Coast Monday, killing at least 14 people, hurling a record-breaking 13-foot surge of seawater at New York City and knocking out power to an estimated 5.7 million people.

Sandy brings stormy seas and mountain snows to North Carolina
Check your travel plans. Contact your airline to see whether your flight is still scheduled - and to make new reservations if Hurricane Sandy canceled your original plans.

NYC mayor implores residents to stay off streets
NEW YORK (AP) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg says backup power has been lost at New York University hospital and the city is working to move people out.

Challenge to Wiretaps is Heard by Justices
The question in the case was whether journalists, lawyers and human rights advocates could show they had been harmed and so had standing to sue, and several justices seemed open to the idea.

Sandy's impact on SFO flights
The most noticeable effect on San Francisco International Airport Monday was the short lines at check-in and security. While the airport was far from empty, those flying didn't have to wait long to check their luggage or get through security.

Sandy continues to bring rain, wind and snow
Lower Manhattan goes dark Monday during hurricane Sandy, as seen from Brooklyn, N.Y. Sandy continued on its path as the storm forced the shutdown of mass transit, schools and financial markets, sending coastal residents fleeing, and threatening a ...

5 Confirmed Dead in Storms
New York governor Andrew Cuomo confirmed that five people have been killed so far in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, which made landfall Monday night in New Jersey, and took out power in much of Manhattan.

Hoboken, in Disarray, Calls for National Guard Help
The mayor of Hoboken, N.J., said she had called on the National Guard to help rescue people in the mile-square city on the Hudson River.

As election nears, cries of voter intimidation
In the final week before the 2012 election, all evidence suggests that the presidential race between President Obama and Mitt Romney is locked in a dead heat, with both candidates within striking distance of victory in nearly every battleground state.

Keeping children safe on Halloween
Children will soon be hitting the sidewalks to trick-or-treat. And while children are having fun on Halloween, police and parents will be watching for risks.

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