Thursday, February 28, 2013

[Health] Citizen Science: Public to join cancer cure hunt

Citizen Science: Public to join cancer cure hunt
Giants of the technology world and cancer researchers are teaming up to come up with ways to let the general public hunt for cures for cancer.

Hawaiians have highest well-being rating for 4th year
Survey rates well-being in all 50 states. Here's a look at the rankings. Honolulu. Hawaii tops the list of states for overall well-being.

Sugar In Diet Linked To Type 2 Diabetes Rates, Study Finds
Dr. Robert Lustig is the anti-sugar man. In his popular YouTube lecture, "Sugar: The Bitter Truth,", a subsequent profile in the New York Times Magazine and his best-selling book, Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity and ...

Recall: Zachary Chocolate Marshmallow Eggs
FRANKFORT, Ind., Feb. 28 (UPI) -- Zachary Confections Inc. in Indiana said it is voluntarily recall some lots of its Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Eggs potentially tainted with Salmonella.

Study finds pregnancy nausea drug won't harm fetus
Study finds pregnancy nausea drug won't harm fetus. Marilynn Marchione, Associated Press5:11p.m. EST February 27, 2013. A study finds no evidence that a popular anti-nausea drug will lead to major problems.

Governors using Obamacare in Medicaid talks
Governors are increasingly embracing a key part of President Obama's health law by expanding their Medicaid programs - but they are using the law as a bargaining chip to try to win more flexibility for how they run their own state programs.

Challenges abound as researchers search for rare disease treatments
Doctors may go years without seeing a rare disease -- also known as an orphan disease -- but they affect 30 million Americans. There are about 7,000 diverse diseases classified as rare in America alone, which according to the United States Government, ...

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