Thursday, February 28, 2013

[Science] Squillionaire space tourist offers oldsters a holiday to Mars

Squillionaire space tourist offers oldsters a holiday to Mars
A new foundation led by the world's first space tourist wants to send an older couple on an all-expenses paid 501-day trip... to Mars.

Monster Black Hole's Spin Revealed for 1st Time
Astronomers have made the first reliable measurement of a supermassive black hole's spin, showcasing a technique that could help unravel the mysteries of these monsters' growth and evolution.

Meteor blast resonated around Earth
(CNN) -- The meteor that exploded over the steppes of southwestern Russia sent a low-frequency rumble bouncing through the Earth, giving scientists new clues about the biggest cosmic intruder in a century.

Smog and sandstorm engulf China's capital
Air quality in China's capital, Beijing, has once again hit serious levels, with thick smog and a sandstorm blanketing the city.

Mystery of ancient fish's teeth solved
POCATELLO, Idaho, Feb. 27 (UPI) -- U.S. researchers say they've used CAT scans to make 3-D virtual reconstructions of an ancient shark-like fish's odd spiral-toothed jaw.

10 Cool Things You Probably Didn't Know About Polar Bears
In honor of International Polar Bear Day, here are 10 cool things you probably didn't know about these majestic creatures. by Lavanya Sunkara.

Leatherback Sea Turtle on the Verge of Extinction, Says Research
A recent report from the Ecological Society of America suggested that existence of leatherback sea turtles in west coast waters could suffer the threat of extinction over the upcoming 20 years.

New Jersey 'sea monster' is likely a lamprey (+video)
Just one week after they appeared on the social news site Reddit, photos of a strange, bloody animal caught in a New Jersey river have drawn more than one million views.

Firefighters could be helped by holograph technology
Infra-red holography could be more useful than the camera imagery currently used by firefighters searching for people trapped in burning buildings, researchers in Italy say.

Sequestration to kill 1000 NSF grants
The impending cuts to federal spending, triggered by the sequestration deal, have led to a variety of speculation about how noticeable the impact will be on the average citizen.

Full Moon in Space: Seven-Time Astronaut Jerry Ross Shares Personal Moments
When astronaut Jerry Ross launched into space for the first of his seven world record-setting flights tying him for the most space launches of any human, a nearly full moon hung in the sky over Kennedy Space Center.

Whoa! Mutant Tadpoles Sprout Eyeballs on Their Tails
A major roadblock when it comes to treating blindness and other sensory disorders is how much remains unknown about the nervous system and its ability to adapt to change.

Invasion of Goldfish in Lake Tahoe Worries Researchers
Invasion of Goldfish in Lake Tahoe Worries Researchers Lake Tahoe, second deepest lake in the US, is said to have been mysteriously invaded by giant goldfish.

Study: Asian Carp DNA Found in Mississippi River May Not Mean Invaders Here ...
Like us on Facebook | Get our newsletter | Follow us on Twitter | Start a blog. A new federal study backs up earlier doubts about whether Asian-carp DNA found in the Mississippi River really means the live invaders are in Rosemount watersâ€"yet.

Comet ISON: Incoming Sungrazer
The comet that may put on a spectacular light show during a November date with the Sun, was observed by the Deep Impact mission. The spacecraft has also had close fly-bys of comet's Tempel 1 and Hartley 2 and scientific observations of Garradd.

Why did some dinosaurs have such long necks?
It's a mystery that has persisted for tens of millions of years: why did some dinosaurs have such long necks? Now, a team of U.K.

Could a comet hit Mars in 2014?
Could a comet hit Mars in 2014? A recently discovered comet will make an uncomfortably close planetary flyby next year - but this time it's not Earth that's in the cosmic crosshairs.

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