Sunday, February 24, 2013

[World] Cuba leader Raul Castro says new term will be his last

Cuba leader Raul Castro says new term will be his last,0,6890627.story
MEXICO CITY - In one of the strongest portents yet of a post-Castro Cuba, President Raul Castro said Sunday that his newly granted five-year term would be his last, and he took on a relatively young vice president who presumably could succeed him.

Afghanistan Bars Elite US Troops From a Key Province
KABUL, Afghanistan - The Afghan government barred elite American forces from operating in a strategic province adjoining Kabul on Sunday, citing complaints that Afghans working for American Special Operations forces had tortured and killed villagers in ...

Palestinians Dispute Israel's Findings on a Prisoner's Death
JERUSALEM - The Israeli Health Ministry said Sunday night that preliminary autopsy findings could not determine the cause of death of a 30-year-old Palestinian prisoner, which Israeli officials had at first attributed to a heart attack.

Oscar Pistorius' Brother Carl Faces Culpable Homicide Charge in 2008 Death
Carl Pistorius looks on at his brother Oscar's bail application hearing in Pretoria, South Africa, Friday, Feb. 15, 2013. Email · Print; Share.

The Case for Arming Syrian Rebels
Wars are ugly. They are deadly. They have unintended consequences and spillover effects. And yet, sometimes, putting a thumb on the scales of war is the lesser evil.

Pope Benedict XVI gives final blessing, Hudson Valley parishioners still ...
Pope Benedict XVI bestowed his final Sunday blessing of his nearly 8-year pontificate on a cheering crowd at St. Peter's Square in Vatican City, explaining that his waning years and energy made him better suited to the life of private prayer he soon will spend ...

Conservative Is Elected President in Cyprus
NICOSIA, Cyprus - The conservative candidate in the Cyprus presidential election won a double-digit victory on Sunday, ahead of crucial negotiations between the financially ailing nation and international lenders over a bailout.

Protest votes add to uncertainty in close Italy election
By James Mackenzie. ROME | Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:43pm EST. ROME (Reuters) - Italians finish voting in one of the most closely watched and unpredictable elections in years on Monday with a surge in protest votes fuelling concern that the ballot may not ...

Top British cardinal accused of 'inappropriate acts'
LONDON: Britain's most senior Catholic cleric, Cardinal Keith O'Brien, has been accused of committing "inappropriate acts" in his relations with three priests and one former priest, the Observer newspaper reported on Sunday.

African leaders sign deal aimed at peace in eastern Congo
By Aaron Maasho. ADDIS ABABA | Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:21pm EST. ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - African leaders signed a U.N.-mediated deal on Sunday aimed at ending two decades of conflict in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo and paving the ...

NATO Patriots to Cost Turkey $8.5 mln Annually
ANKARA, February 24 (RIA Novosti) - NATO's patriot missile systems, requested by Turkey to protect it from a potential Syrian attack, are expected to cost Ankara 15 million liras ($8.5 million) annually, local media have reported citing the Turkish defense ...

Syrian Opposition's Complaints Shadow Kerry's First Official Trip
LONDON - As John Kerry arrived at his first stop on his maiden trip as the United States secretary of state, American officials were struggling on Sunday to salvage an important meeting with the Syrian opposition.

Hopes rise for Lahad Datu stand-off to end in 72 hours
TANJUNG LABIAN (LAHAD DATU): As the stand-off between Malaysian security forces and an armed Sulu group here enters its third week, expectations are rising for an end to the drama within the next 72 hours.

First female South Korean president takes office
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- Park Geun-hye has become South Korea's first female president and returned to the presidential mansion where she grew up with her dictator father.

Suicide Bombers Kill 3 in Afghan East, Kabul Attack Foiled
Afghan authorities say suicide bombers have killed three Afghan security personnel in the country's east, while an attempted suicide bombing in a sensitive area of Kabul was foiled.

Japan detects xenon in air after DPRK's nuclear test
TOKYO: Japanese planes detected a trace amount of xenon-133 during monitoring flights over Japan the day after North Korea carried out its third nuclear test last week, the science ministry said on Thursday.

Cyclone Rusty intensifies to Category Two - North West on alert
Image; Others. cyclone rusty. BIG ONE: Cyclone Rusty is now a Category two storm, but has the potential to develop into a destructive Category four cyclone.

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