Sunday, February 24, 2013

[U.S.] As Governors Meet, White House Details Cuts for States

As Governors Meet, White House Details Cuts for States
WASHINGTON - In an effort to put pressure on Congressional Republicans, the White House warned on Sunday that automatic budget cuts scheduled to take effect this week would have a devastating impact on programs for people of all ages in every state.

Farrakhan Focuses on Economics in...
Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan on Sunday called on blacks nationwide to curb economic disparities by cutting back on excessive spending, pooling resources and investing in land - an action plan he laid out during a three-hour speech at the ...

Ford City Mall reopens after teens' rampage ends in arrests
The band had recently concluded the event, aimed at a primarily tween girl fan-base, when a “group of youths” entered the mall intent on creating “chaos and havoc,” said Sarama, who insisted that the disturbance was not related to the band's appearance, ...

Voting Rights Act faces Supreme Court challenge
(CBS News) NEW YORK - When he signed the federal Voting Rights Act on August 6, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson did not rely on understatement to express the significance of the legislation.

President Obama Hosts Governors for Annual Gala Dinner
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The National Governors Association's winter meeting is under way in the nation's capital and tonight the state executives descended on the White House for their annual black-tie dinner.

California GOP faces steep road back
SACRAMENTO - The Republican Party has become so pathetic in California that it can't even find a candidate to run for governor next year.

'Fantasy Defense' in Trial
Federal prosecutors are poised Monday to make their case that a New York City police officer intended to cross the line between cannibalistic fantasy and reality.

Clock ticking on Connecticut gun bill?
HARTFORD - Pressure is building for legislators to get the strongest gun violence reduction bill passed quickly, rather than take the time for a broad bipartisan agreement.

MC Hammer arrested after traffic stop in Dublin
MC Hammer claims to be racial profiled after being pulled over in Dublin over the weekend. MC Hammer was arrested in Dublin on Thursday for allegedly “obstructing an officer,” but he claims it was a clear-cut case of racial profiling.

Mary Ann McMorrow, 1930-2013,0,5050968.story
When Mary Ann McMorrow was a Cook County assistant state's attorney in the 1950s, a supervisor told her that a male colleague would argue the points in a legal brief she had prepared for the Illinois Supreme Court.

LaHood: Get ready for air traffic controller furloughs
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood says there's no way around scaling back air traffic control staff if automatic spending cuts kick in.

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