Monday, February 25, 2013

[Science] It's an 8-Peat: North Hollywood High Wins Science Bowl Again

It's an 8-Peat: North Hollywood High Wins Science Bowl Again
Demonstrating grace under pressure, lightning quick reflexes and an outstanding grasp of advanced science, math and technology concepts, North Hollywood High School won the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power's (LADWP) 20th Annual ...

May 17th is Eighth Annual Endangered Species Day
This year, May 17, will be celebrated as the eighth annual Endangered Species Day. It was 40 years ago the Endangered Species Act was introduced.

European energy policy falters amid economic downturn
Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:00pm EST. * Utilities may not be able to finance improvements - report. * Identifies 110 GW of gas-fired generation at risk of closure.

Dinosaurs Long Necks Mystery Resolved
Finally researchers from the University of Bristol in England have evolved that why dinosaurs are known to have the longest of necks.

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