Thursday, February 28, 2013

[Science] Mind Meld Rats: Rodents Brains 'Talk' to One Another Across Thousands of Miles

Mind Meld Rats: Rodents Brains 'Talk' to One Another Across Thousands of Miles
(Photo : Flickr Creative Commons) Duke researchers received a $26 million grant from the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to investigate "brain-machine interfaces.

NASA's Van Allen Probes discover a surprise circling Earth
After most NASA science spacecraft launches, researchers wait patiently for months as instruments on board are turned on one at a time, slowly ramped up to full power, and tested to make sure they work at full capacity.

Beijing Air Pollution Tops Hazardous Levels Days Before Congress
Beijing's air pollution climbed to hazardous levels days before the national legislature opens its annual meeting, drawing new attention to environmental degradation that the government has promised to address.

DNA 'ingredients' discovered in interstellar space; Odds of discovering alien life ...
According to astronomers using the National Science Foundation's Green Bank Telescope, evidence of prebiotic molecules have been discovered in interstellar space - the first such evidence unearthed.

Monster Black Hole's Spin Revealed for 1st Time
Astronomers have made the first reliable measurement of a supermassive black hole's spin, showcasing a technique that could help unravel the mysteries of these monsters' growth and evolution.

Farmers' lack of bees might be solved by going wild
Farmers who have watched helplessly as a mysterious disease wiped out millions of domesticated bees needed to pollinate their almonds, apples and other crops may have an easy solution: make their crops more accessible to wild insects that do the job for ...

Mission to Mars: Space tourist Dennis Tito intends to send married couple to the ...
Millionaire and former space tourist Dennis Tito on Wednesday revealed details of his ambitious plan to send a manned spacecraft to Mars in January, 2018.

A Star Is Born? No, But Maybe a Planet
Astronomers have spotted what they believe is a planet in the dramatic and violent process of being born in another solar system, an event that may shed light on how planets come into being.

China to launch new manned spacecraft
BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) -- China's new spacecraft will be launched sometime between June and August, a spokesperson for the office of the country's space manned program said in a statement released Thursday.

U-Md. students try to win $250000 prize for hovering in a man-powered helicopter
In test flight after test flight, a group of students from the University of Maryland has labored for days to make an ungainly, 115-foot helicopter fly three meters off the ground and hover for 60 seconds, powered only by a pilot pedaling like crazy.

Study of Ice Age Bolsters Carbon and Warming Link
A meticulous new analysis of Antarctic ice suggests that the sharp warming that ended the last ice age occurred in lock step with increases of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the latest of many indications that the gas is a powerful influence on the earth's ...

Meteor blast resonated around Earth
(CNN) -- The meteor that exploded over the steppes of southwestern Russia sent a low-frequency rumble bouncing through the Earth, giving scientists new clues about the biggest cosmic intruder in a century.

Thirty Seconds To Mars To Launch New Single ... Into Outer Space
Band will send the first copy of 'Up In The Air' into orbit on board a SpaceX rocket. By James Montgomery (@positivnegativ).

Richard the Daisyheart! Leader of the Third Crusade had flowers, mint and ...
Richard the Lionheart ended up with a heart full of daisies, mint and frankincense, a French study of his mummified heart has discovered.

Why Sequestration Could Really Hurt Long-Term Research
The U.S. budget cuts that take effect tomorrow will demoralize future inventors, researchers, and disease curers. The across-the-board U.S.

Dust and microbes in Sahara cause snow in the Sierra Nevada
The Scripps Institution of Oceanography said that water consumed in San Diego was traced back to dust and microbes from the Sahara.

Whoa! Mutant Tadpoles Sprout Eyeballs on Their Tails
A major roadblock when it comes to treating blindness and other sensory disorders is how much remains unknown about the nervous system and its ability to adapt to change.

Economic woes trigger slump in environmental concerns
Public concern about environmental issues hit a 20-year low last year, a poll showed, as worries about the aftermath of the global financial crisis overshadowed growing evidence of man-made climate change.

Say Goodbye To The Largest Species Of Turtle On Earth
Turtles are great. They are surprisingly resilient, curious and were once the size of cars. But these hard-shelled creatures are no match for humanity and climate change.

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