Sunday, February 24, 2013

[World] Cuba's Diaz-Canel rose gradually to No. 2 post

Cuba's Diaz-Canel rose gradually to No. 2 post
HAVANA (AP) - The man tapped as the likely heir-apparent to Raul Castro is largely unknown off the island, but his rise to the country's No.

Afghanistan Bars Elite US Troops From a Key Province
KABUL, Afghanistan - The Afghan government barred elite American forces from operating in a strategic province adjoining Kabul on Sunday, citing complaints that Afghans working for American Special Operations forces had tortured and killed villagers in ...

Palestinians Dispute Israel's Findings on a Prisoner's Death
JERUSALEM - The Israeli Health Ministry said Sunday night that preliminary autopsy findings could not determine the cause of death of a 30-year-old Palestinian prisoner, which Israeli officials had at first attributed to a heart attack.

Egypt's vote won't calm turbulent streets
CAIRO (AP) - Egypt's streets are turning into a daily forum for airing a range of social discontents from labor conditions to fuel shortages and the casualties of myriad clashes over the past two years.

Turkey, US blast Assad regime as Aleppo toll rises
Turkey and the United States lashed out against Syria as the death toll from a missile strike on Aleppo rose to 58, while a French photographer wounded in the conflict was confirmed dead.

Austerity, Italian Style
Two months ago, when Mario Monti stepped down as Italy's prime minister, The Economist opined that “The coming election campaign will be, above all, a test of the maturity and realism of Italian voters.

South Korean Leader Faces Economic Choices
SEOULâ€"When Park Geun-hye, the daughter of the man who led South Korea's rise out of poverty, is sworn in as president on Monday, she will take control of an economy that is far larger and more important in the worldâ€"but that remains shaped by some of ...

African leaders sign Congo peace deal
(CNN) -- African leaders signed a U.N.-backed deal on Sunday meant to bring stability to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Government forces are battling the M23 rebel group in the eastern part of that country.

Pope Begins Last Days in Power as Vatican Lashes Out at Media
Pope Benedict XVI's final days in power before becoming the first pontiff in 600 years to retire are being marred by controversy after the Vatican accused the media of seeking to influence the choice of his successor.

Turkish Patriots send 'clear warning' to Damascus
NATO sends Patriot missiles to Turkey and expresses support in case of an attack from neighboring from Syria. Patriot anti-missile battery site Photo: Reuters.

Aquino orders review of Sabah claim
Manila: President Benigno Aquino III had ruled out the use of force on the Sabah stand off concern with Malaysia while at the same time pointing out that he had ordered experts to closely study the sensitive issue.

US Secretary of State John Kerry on first official trip
John Kerry has set off for his first foreign trip as US secretary of state, with the Syrian conflict high on his agenda in Europe and the Middle East.

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