Sunday, February 24, 2013

[World] Kabul bars US special forces from province

Kabul bars US special forces from province
KABUL - The Afghan government on Sunday banned elite US forces from operating in a strategic province adjoining Kabul, citing complaints that Afghans working for the troops have tortured and killed villagers.

SportsLog: Oscar Pistorius' brother faces “culpable homicide” charge
OLYMPICS Pistorius's brother also faces charges. The murder case involving Olympic star Oscar Pistorius took another unexpected turn Sunday with the news that his older brother, Carl, is himself facing charges for the death of a woman in a traffic accident.

Park promises 'clean' government in S Korea
Park Geun-hye, South Korea's first female president, promised supporters at her inauguration on Monday that she would “win the public's trust by making a clean, transparent and competent government” and urged North Korea to abandon its nuclear ...

Europe watches as Italy goes to the polls
Italians are voting in national elections today that are being watched closely throughout the Eurozone. Italy's economy is the third largest in the region, but the Italians are enduring their longest recession in two decades and the heavy burden of austerity cuts.

Conservative Triumphs in Cyprus Presidential Election
Conservative leader Nicos Anastasiades won an overwhelming victory in Cyprus' presidential runoff Sunday, boosting hopes he will quickly act on his pledge to seek a bailout deal with international lenders to prevent the country's financial meltdown.

Top British Cardinal Faces Accusations of Committing 'Inappropriate Acts'
LONDON - Britain's most senior Roman Catholic cleric, Cardinal Keith O'Brien, has been accused of committing “inappropriate acts” in his relations with three priests and one former priest, the newspaper The Observer reported Sunday.

UPDATE 4-African leaders sign deal aimed at peace in eastern Congo
Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:19pm EST. * Deal brings closer deployment of regional force to eastern Congo. * U.N. to name special envoy to the region.

Apache shuts Australia's Stag oil field ahead of cyclone
PERTH | Mon Feb 25, 2013 12:38am EST. PERTH Feb 25 (Reuters) - Apache Energy said on Monday that it has stopped production from its Stag oil facility off the coast of Western Australia ahead of Tropical Cyclone Rusty.

Suicide Bombers Kill 3 in Afghan East, Kabul Attack Foiled
Afghan authorities say suicide bombers have killed three Afghan security personnel in the country's east, while an attempted suicide bombing in a sensitive area of Kabul was foiled.

What Japan's hawkish Prime Minister Abe wants from Obama
As Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe prepares for his summit today with President Obama in Washington, he has one overriding goal: to remind his fellow citizens, and Japan's neighbors in Asia, just how strong Tokyo's alliance with the United States is.

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