Friday, February 22, 2013

[Health] Germany: Morning-After Pill Allowed for the Victims of Rape, Bishops Say

Germany: Morning-After Pill Allowed for the Victims of Rape, Bishops Say
In a softening of their hard-line stance toward the use of contraception, Germany's Roman Catholic bishops said Thursday that hospitals run by the church could provide women who had been raped with versions of the morning-after pill that prevent ...

Anti-HIV drug effort in South Africa yields dramatic results
An intensive campaign to combat HIV/AIDS with costly antiretroviral drugs in rural South Africa has increased life expectancy by more than 11 years and significantly reduced the risk of infection for healthy individuals, according to new research.

Tuberculosis outbreak in downtown LA sparks federal effort
Public health officials have launched a new, coordinated effort to contain a persistent outbreak of tuberculosis in downtown L.A.'s skid row, including searching for more than 4,500 people who may have been exposed to the disease.

J&J Discloses Government Investigations of Hips, Mesh
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), the world's largest seller of health-care products, disclosed separate government investigations into possible false claims related to its hip devices and the marketing of its surgical mesh.

Revealed: Why women are natural chatterboxes (and men won't get a word in ...
Ladies, the next time the man in your life complains you talk too much, silence him with science. Tell him it is all because of the Foxp2 protein.

Court temporarily halts Brooklyn hospital closing
A court has temporarily halted the closing of Brooklyn's financially strapped Long Island College Hospital. kAm%96 }6H *@C< %:>6D W k2 9C67lQ9EEAi^^?

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