Sunday, February 24, 2013

[U.S.] Disputed Md. DNA law aided 43 cases

Disputed Md. DNA law aided 43 cases
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal recently urged fellow Republicans to 'stop being the stupid party.'- 12:19 am. LATEST HEADLINES.

Chuck Hagel appears headed to embattled Pentagon
Chuck Hagel appears poised to finally put his bruising confirmation battle behind him this week - but as soon as it's over, he'll immediately face a series of crises at the Pentagon.

Chinatown firefighters subdue man attacking wife
NEW YORK - Firefighters helped rescue a woman who was being attacked by her husband with a meat cleaver on a street in Chinatown. The attack happened Sunday morning on Canal Street and was witnessed by firefighters who worked across the street ...

Before his arrest, MC Hammer was driving a car with an expired registration ...
DUBLIN -- ¿Following tweets by arrested rapper MC Hammer, police responded with their own brief account of what happened in a suburban Bay Area shopping center.

Jack Lew's Golden Parachute
Americans can sleep soundly knowing that Max Baucus (D., Mont.) isn't in charge of interviewing captured al Qaeda fighters. But the enhanced non-interrogation techniques that the Senate Finance Chairman has been applying to Treasury Secretary nominee ...

Malloy Unveils Gun Safety Measures
Saying Connecticut runs the risk of "letting this critical moment in history pass us by," Gov. Dannel P. Malloy proposed a series of gun control measures, including making large capacity gun magazines illegal in Connecticut, establishing universal background ...

Vehicle plunges into water
A vehicle plunged into the water Sunday night near the Memorial Bridge, authorities said. It was not immediately clear exactly where the vehicle entered the water around 10 p.m.

Texas 'Cruz Missile' -- Senator standing by his principles, ready to take the heat
Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz has earned a few nicknames in the brief seven weeks he's been in Congress - including the unflattering “Senator No.

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