Thursday, February 28, 2013

[Health] DNA research discovers 'good' acne bacteria

DNA research discovers 'good' acne bacteria
Acne bacteria, the scourge of every self-conscious teen, may have met its medicinal match: more acne bacteria. When researchers at Washington University and the University of California at Los Angeles sequenced acne DNA, they found that a “good” strain ...

Cuts Roll In as Time Runs Out
The federal government enters a controversial new phase of deficit cutting Friday, as an automatic trigger begins slicing budgets in some areas while leaving programs such as Medicare and Medicaidâ€"among the largest drivers of future debtâ€"largely ...

Adena marks colorectal cancer month
CHILLICOTHE - Adena Health System has planned several awareness events for March in connection with National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.

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