Monday, February 25, 2013

[U.S.] Strong Storm in Plains Brings Added Hazards

Strong Storm in Plains Brings Added Hazards
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A treacherous winter storm stretching from Texas through a large part of the Great Plains brought blustery, blinding snow on Monday to many areas still shoveling out from a storm that dumped more than a foot of snow on them last week.

Sotomayor chides prosecutor for 'racially charged' question
Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor accused a Texas federal prosecutor Monday of tapping into a “deep and sorry vein of racial prejudice” in his questioning of a black man facing a drug charge.

NY lawmaker apologizes for blackface costume
New York (CNN) -- A New York state lawmaker said Monday he's sorry if he offended anyone by dressing in blackface for a Purim party, but a colleague says his apology doesn't go far enough.

Prosecutors: NYPD officer was 'deadly serious' about cannibalism scheme
New York (CNN) -- An NYPD officer is on trial in a federal case stemming from a bizarre online plan allegedly to kidnap, cook and eat women.

Arias Says She's Innocent of Murder
Accused murderer Jodi Arias was confronted today with a barrage of lies she told after she killed her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, but she twice defiantly declared that she was innocent of first degree murder.

Crews Search for Family Who Abandoned Sinking Boat
( Crews planned to search by sea and air through the night Monday as they ramped up efforts to find a husband, wife and two young children who sent a series of distress calls saying their sailboat was sinking far off the Central California ...

Census Dropping the Term, 'Negro'
The U.S. Census Bureau is bidding farewell to "Negro" on its surveys and forms after more than 100 years of use. The description has come to be viewed as outdated and even offensive by many people in the black community, officials say, so the bureau will ...

Lawmakers urge Facebook to remove fraudulent Sandy Hook tributes
SAN FRANCISCO | Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:00pm EST. SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Three Connecticut lawmakers on Monday urged Facebook Inc to remove fraudulent and abusive tribute pages related to the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Chris Christie not invited to CPAC
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, seen as one of his party's top prospects for the White House in 2016, has not been invited to speak at the annual conservative gathering hosted by CPAC, a source familiar with the decision confirmed.

McCain, Graham to meet with Obama
CBS News/ February 25, 2013, 7:42 PM. McCain, Graham to meet with Obama. In a possible eleventh hour twist to the fast-approaching sequestration this week, two of President Obama's most vocal GOP critics are heading to the White House.

Supreme Court wont hear corporate contribution case
The Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a case challenging a century-old prohibition on direct corporate contributions to candidates.

One Valley Preschool Program Future Uncertain
AUGUSTA COUNTY -- Access to a federally-funded preschool called Head Start could be in jeopardy with sequester budget cuts. Shenandoah Valley Head Start Director Steve Troxell has worked with Head Start for nearly two decades.

Privacy vs. Prosecution: DNA testing Gets High Court Review
Washington (CNN) -- On the back of Jayann Sepich's business card is her DNA profile, a reminder of the potential and pitfalls of technology at the heart of a privacy dispute now before the U.S.

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