Monday, February 25, 2013

[Science] Little telescope to hunt big game: hard-to-see near-Earth asteroids

Little telescope to hunt big game: hard-to-see near-Earth asteroids
Efforts to discover near-Earth asteroids - including those that are potentially hazardous - received a potential boost Monday with the launch of the Canadian Space Agency's Near Earth Object Surveillance Satellite (NEOSSat).

Tonight's Full Moon Is a Snow Moon: How to See It Online
For an extra-special view of tonight's (Feb. 25) full moon, don't just look out your window - tune in to a live webcast of the sight from a telescope in the Canary Islands.

NASA Mars rover analyzing powder from drilled rock
PASADENA, Calif. (AP) - The Mars rover Curiosity has successfully transferred a pinch of rock dust to its onboard laboratories for inspection, two weeks after drilling into its first rock.

After meteor blast in Russia, Laurel lab plans to smack an asteroid
A meteor blast over Russia is putting new focus on a transatlantic effort to crash a spacecraft into a far-flung asteroid in a bid to prove that incoming objects from space can be knocked from their path.

Study: Chimps do puzzles for fun, not food
LONDON, Feb. 25 (UPI) -- Chimpanzees get a feeling of satisfaction from figuring out tricky puzzles whether they get a food reward or not, British researchers say.

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