Sunday, February 24, 2013

[Science] 'Lost continent' found off Africa

'Lost continent' found off Africa
SCIENTISTS believe they've discovered the remains of a lost continent on the floor of the Indian Ocean off Africa. The research team from Norway, South Africa, Germany and the UK identified the ancient “microcontinent” after analysing beach sands from the ...

Worker Rest Breaks Double by 2050 as Climate Warms: NOAA
Workers in jobs without air conditioning will need rest breaks twice as often by 2050 to avoid heat stress amid a warming climate, according to a study from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Researchers Debate Wisdom of Brain-Mapping Idea
A proposed federal effort to map the human brain has drawn both applause and dismay over its ambitious scope and potential costs. The project, which could be on the scale of the war on cancer of the 1970s or the Human Genome Project of the '90s, ...

Students compete in regional Ocean Sciences Bowl
BIDDEFORD, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- The basketball court wasn't the only place where high school students were competing this week.

Barry Lewis: Asteroid anxiety's a new addition to my worry list
A 7,700-ton meteor the size of a school bus travels 40,000 mph and crashes into Russia. A day later, an asteroid half the size of a football field buzzes past Earth, just 17,500 miles above the Indian Ocean.

Video: Snellville Students Discover Fun at Science Fair
More than 1,000 students, including Snellville students, participated in the 35th annual Gwinnett County Regional Science Fair on Friday, Feb. 22.

Lava ocean may have flowed on Mercury's surface billions of years ago
A recent experiment conducted by MIT researchers has led some experts to believe an ocean of lava may have been flowing on Mercury's surface some four billion years ago.

Commercial crew program threatened by budget cuts
Automatic spending cuts due to go into effect March 1 would likely extend U.S. reliance on Russia for human spaceflight, delay development of badly-needed next-generation weather satellites, and force a reduction in radar scans searching for space debris, ...

S. Oregon Coast Derelict Boat Removed - May be Tsunami Debris
(Coos Bay, Oregon) - Oregon officials have removed a derelict boat from the southern Oregon coast that may be tsunami debris from Japan - but that is still only a possibility.

Polar Bear Special Rule Disappoints Enviros
WASHINGTON (CN) - The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that it has finalized a special rule under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for the protection of threatened polar bears.

Mammoth tooth fossil found by New Hampshire fisherman
A New Hampshire fisherman recently made an unusual catch when his trawler pulled up a bona fide mammoth tooth fossil. Scientists have reportedly confirmed its authenticity.

Increasing carbon dioxide levels will lead to less snowfall worldwide, say ...
In the wake of Winter Storm Nemo's heavy snows and strong winds, it's hard for New England residents to imagine an overall drop in snowfall for the globe.

Chimps solve puzzles for the thrill of it, researchers find
The apes, which are our closest relatives in the animal kingdom, seem to get the same level of satisfaction out of solving brain teasers as their human evolutionary cousins.

New Privately Built Rocket Passes Key Engine Test
A new commercial rocket designed to launch unmanned cargo missions to the International Space Station passed a key engine test Friday night (Feb. 22), setting the stage for the booster's debut flight in the months ahead, NASA officials say.

Future science: Using 3D worlds to visualize data
Associated Press Andreas Linninger, University of Illinois-Chicago professor of bioengineering, chemical engineering and computer science, left, adjusts his 3D glasses as brain surgeon Ali Alaraj talks about viewing the brain inside CAVE2 on Jan.

Coastal restoration ideas sought
BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) - A new state program will gather ideas to improve the results, lower the cost and cut the time required to build projects under Louisiana's master plan for coastal restoration.

How Dinosaurs Grew The World's Longest Necks
As paleontologists increasingly unearth evidence of feathers in prehistoric fossils, our conceptions of what dinosaurs looked like when they roamed the earth has gradually evolved.

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