Friday, February 22, 2013

[Science] Bees use the 'force' to choose the best flowers, study finds

Bees use the 'force' to choose the best flowers, study finds
If you're a bee having a hard time finding that flower trying to tell you it's loaded with nectar and pollen, use the force, bee, use the force.

Evolution may have given humans unique brain structures, say scientists
Has evolution given humans unique brain structures? For years, scientists have been asking themselves this question. Now, scientists from the University of Leuven have the first piece of evidence that could prove that humans have unique cortical brain ...

In Google+ hangout, astronauts talk tech, Isaac Newton and Twitter
Computerworld - Astronauts onboard the International Space Station didn't panic when their communication link to the ground was cut off this week.

Facebook, Google create 'new Nobel prize' worth $3m
FACEBOOK'S and Google's founders set aside their rivalries to create the “Breakthrough Prize” for science that's worth more than double the value of the Nobel prize.

Holy flight plan: Researchers build a robotic bat wing
A robotic bat wing lets researchers measure forces, joint movements, and flight parameters - and learn more about how the real thing operates in nature.

NASA Discovers Subsurface Ocean on Saturn's Moon Titan
NASA has announced that Saturn's moon Titan may harbor a layer of liquid water beneath its icy outer shell. Data gathered by NASA's Cassini spacecraft has revealed the findings, which were published in the journal Science.

Tracking 66 State of the Union proposals
President Obama delivered the first State of the Union Address of his second term Feb. 12, laying out domestic and foreign policy goals for the coming year and beyond.

Mount Etna's Volcanic Eruption Caught on Film (VIDEO)
Mount Etna spews lava on the southern Italian island of Sicily March 18, 2012. Mount Etna is Europe's tallest and most active volcano.

NASA administrator addresses sequestration
NASA administrator Charlie Bolden stopped by Huntsville and the Marshall Space Flight Center to tour new technology they have developed for the SLS, the next generation heavy lift launch vehicle.

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