Sunday, February 24, 2013

[Technology] Apple's iPad Ad Makes an Oscar Bid

Apple's iPad Ad Makes an Oscar Bid
oscars-statues-image-1 Samsung may have had ads plastered all over the air on Oscar night, but Apple made sure to grab its share of the stage.

Microsoft To Refund Windows Azure Customers Hit By 12 Hour Outage That ...
Microsoft will refund Windows Azure customers impacted by an outage last week caused by an expired SSL certificate. In a brief blog post, General Manager Steven Martin cited the scope of the attack as the reason for refund.

Apple, Samsung patent hearing 'unprecedented' in Australia
Apple and Samsung resumed hearings in Australian courts Monday, consolidating their patent claims in an attempt to simplify the complex layers of allegations and patent infringements each company has claimed.

Samsung HomeSync is a Jelly Bean-powered Apple TV ...
The freshly unveiled media streamer puts Android movies, TV shows and games on your television, and also lets you stream home movies from a Galaxy smartphone.

Pricing the PS4, or How You Can Skip the Wait and (Kinda) Build One Today
Recently Sony announced the hotly anticipated next-gen gaming console PlayStation 4…without so much as a glimpse of a photo. But does that matter?

Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest Users Hit In Zendesk Breach
Zendesk, which runs a help desk service and hosts customer service portals, alerts users that hackers accessed email addresses and personal data.

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