Thursday, February 28, 2013

[World] Discord Remains at Vatican as Pope Benedict Departs

Discord Remains at Vatican as Pope Benedict Departs
VATICAN CITY - As the sun set on Rome and on his turbulent eight-year papacy, Pope Benedict XVI, a shy theologian who never seemed entirely at home in the limelight, was whisked by helicopter into retirement on Thursday.

Bangladesh Verdict Sparks Fatal Riots
Police fired on rioting protesters in Bangladesh after a war-crimes tribunal sentenced an Islamist opposition politician to death, in clashes that police and hospital authorities said left at least 30 people dead.

Too risky to fund Syrian rebels, Canada says
The United States has shifted course to provide aid directly to Syria's rebels, but Canada doesn't have enough confidence in them to follow suit.

Palestinians plan violence to force the US to extract concessions from Israel
There are many signs that the Palestinian Authority (PA) is seeking to escalate tensions in the West Bank ahead of U.S. President Barack Obama's visit to the region next month.

Malaysia Said to Open Fire on Armed Filipinos
MANILA - The Malaysian police opened fire on a group from a Muslim royal clan from the Philippines that has occupied a village in Malaysia and ignored pleas to leave, the group's leader said Friday.

Is the US kowtowing to Iran in nuclear talks?
THE MOST interesting public result of the latest talks with Iran on its nuclear program was the claim by Tehran's chief negotiator, Saeed Jalili, that the new negotiating proposal from the United States and five partners was a possible “turning point” in what has ...

Egypt's main opposition group to boycott vote
CAIRO - Egypt's largest opposition bloc said Tuesday that it will boycott the country's upcoming parliamentary elections, heightening the prospect of future instability after months of political crisis and damaging the credibility of the country's fledgling ...

French, Russian Presidents Meet
The Kremlin had said the talks would focus on trade, as well as international issues. At the start of talks, Hollande stressed the two countries' role in efforts to resolve international conflicts.

Union Budget 2013: Now, regulator to monitor road sector
NEW DELHI: Now, there will be a regulator for road sector that will address concerns of road users and private developers as well.

Venezuela's Chavez 'battling' for his life: VP
Havana. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is fighting for his life in a Caracas military hospital 10 days after returning from cancer treatment in Cuba, his vice president said Thursday, cited by AFP.

US Policies in the DRC Sacrifice Democracy for Security
In expressing support for the signing this week of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework agreement for the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African region, the U.S.

Great Train Robber Bruce Reynolds dies aged 81
Bruce Reynolds, who was the key planner behind the £2.6m Great Train Robbery in 1963, has died aged 81. Reynolds evaded capture for five years, mainly spent overseas, but after returning to England was caught in 1968.

PM slams Erdogan's 'dark, libelous' denunciation of Zionism
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who for months has held his tongue in the face of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's serial anti-Israel bashing, jabbed back Thursday, labeling "dark and libelous" Erdogan's characterization of Zionism as a ...

Recurring sexual abuse needs to be addressed by Catholic Church
Cardinal Sean O'Malley, Archbishop of Boston, is an outspoken advocate against sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. Institutional reform necessary within Catholic Church.

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