Friday, February 22, 2013

[Science] Bees use 'electrical SIXTH SENSE' to nail nectar-stuffed flowers

Bees use 'electrical SIXTH SENSE' to nail nectar-stuffed flowers
There's electricity in the air when bees meet flowers: according to a new study, the blooms and approaching insects uses electrical signals to find out whether there is nectar and pollen to spare.

Discovered: The Most Adorable Planet Yet
Planets are like puppies. They're born litters, they stay close to their mama (in this case, their star), and no two are exactly alike.

Quite a catch! Giant goldfish found in Lake Tahoe
LAKE TAHOE, CA (CNN/KCRA) -- Researchers at Lake Tahoe have reeled in a catch you will have to see to believe; bigger than average and swimming where it doesn't belong.

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