Sunday, February 24, 2013

[World] Cuban President Raul Castro to retire in 2018

Cuban President Raul Castro to retire in 2018
Cuban President Raul Castro has said he will stand down at the end of his second term in 2018, following his re-election by the National Assembly.

Karzai Orders US Special Forces Out of Eastern Afghan Province
Afghan President Hamid Karzai has ordered the removal of all U.S. special forces from an eastern province in response to allegations that those forces or their Afghan allies may have committed rights abuses against civilians.

Oscar Pistorius's brother also faces homicide trial
The family of Oscar Pistorius, accused of murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, was rocked again on Sunday when it was revealed that the athlete's brother has been charged with culpable homicide.

Pope tells faithful God called him to quit
In his last Sunday blessing from a window overlooking the giant key-shaped piazza, the 85-year-old Pope said he was not "abandoning the Church" by his decision to retire to a former nunnery inside the walls of the Vatican.

Fighting roils Syria as rebels make gains
An influx of heavy weaponry has aided anti-regime forces in recent weeks in a conflict in which nearly 70,000 people have been killed.

Conservative candidate takes power as Cyprus verges on bankruptcy
Right-wing candidate Nikos Anastasaides won the Cypriot presidency by a landslide in yesterday's run-off, defeating Communist AKEL party candidate Stavros Malas.

Business' nervous watch on Italy's poll
Italy's business community is waiting with trepidation for the outcome of national elections which polls indicate may well be insufficiently conclusive to garner the political support to continue a reform agenda started by Mario Monti's technocratic government.

Prisoner's death fuels Palestinian protests, as Israel braces for more
JERUSALEM - The death of a Palestinian prisoner under Israeli interrogation after a week of demonstrations for the release of four other inmates on hunger strikes triggered fresh clashes Sunday and heightened concerns in Israel about a swelling wave of ...

Scottish cardinal to vote for new pope despite abuse claims by several priests
Irish-born Cardinal Keith O'Brien, Scotland's most senior Catholic, is set to fly to Rome this week to vote in the papal conclave, despite facing allegations of abuse 30 years ago of young clerics.

Merkel Calls for New Talks With Turkey on EU Role
BERLINâ€"German Chancellor Angela Merkel signaled movement in stalled negotiations over Turkey's bid for membership in the European Union ahead of a two-day visit for political talks in Ankara, illustrating that growing concern about Turkey's political drift ...

Syrian Opposition's Complaints Shadow Kerry's First Official Trip
LONDON - As John Kerry arrived at his first stop on his maiden trip as the United States secretary of state, American officials were struggling on Sunday to salvage an important meeting with the Syrian opposition.

DR Congo: African leaders sign peace deal
Regional African leaders have signed a UN-brokered accord which aims to bring peace to the troubled eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

8 killed in attacks in Afghanistan
... • Up to eight people including four militants were killed in violent attacks in Afghanistan on Sunday. • In capital city of Kabul, Afghan security forces shot dead a would-be suicide bomber.

Japan detects xenon in air after DPRK's nuclear test
TOKYO: Japanese planes detected a trace amount of xenon-133 during monitoring flights over Japan the day after North Korea carried out its third nuclear test last week, the science ministry said on Thursday.

Egypt opposition divided over whether to boycott elections
In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Amr Moussa said that pressure was growing for a boycott to be announced after Tuesday's meeting of the opposition coalition, the National Salvation Front.

Philippines asks Malaysia to extend deadline
Manila: The Philippines' foreign affairs department asked Malaysia's foreign ministry to extend the deadline from February 22 to February 26 for the 300 followers of Sultanate of Sulu to end their occupation of a village in Sabah's town.

France's military operation in Mali in 'final phase'
French President Francois Hollande has said his country's forces are engaged in the "final phase" of the fight against militants in northern Mali.

Indian Leader in Hyderabad
HYDERABAD, Indiaâ€"India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Sunday visited the sites of two blasts in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad, as investigators widened their probe into Thursday's incident that killed 16 people.

Iran Is Said to Move to New Machines for Making Nuclear Fuel
WASHINGTON - Just days before Iran enters its first nuclear talks with the West since the summer, international nuclear inspectors said Thursday that the country has begun installing a new generation of equipment that should give it the ability to produce ...

Gérard Depardieu, “Wounded by” Kitten and Passport-Fueled Publicity Circus ...
Sadly, it has been more than a month since we last heard from Gérard Depardieu, the charismatic French expatriate who was greeted by a welcoming committee of kittens, pancakes, carolers, and presidential hugs when he arrived in Russia last month.

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