Monday, February 25, 2013

[U.S.] Republicans urge Obama to end 'road show,' work with Senate to avert ...

Republicans urge Obama to end 'road show,' work with Senate to avert ...
House Republican leaders on Monday urged President Obama to "stop campaigning" and hunker down with Congress to find an alternative to the bludgeon of spending cuts set to hit Friday, saying now is not the time "for a road-show president.

Arias Had No Remorse: Prosecutor
Prosecutor Juan Martinez hammered alleged murderer Jodi Arias today with accusations that she felt no remorse when she lied over and over again about killing her ex-boyfriend, Travis Alexander.

Storm to spare most of Eastern Mass.; could dump 10 inches in areas of Central ...
A snowfall forecast map issued by the National Weaher Service in Taunton. The westernmost part of the state is covered by the Albany, N.Y.

NYC wife: Officer wanted to kill me, eat others
NEW YORK (AP) - The estranged wife of a New York City police officer struggled to keep her composure Monday as she testified about discovering shocking emails and other evidence on his computer showing he had discussed killing her and abducting, ...

Sotomayor publicly criticizing federal prosecutor for racist remark
WASHINGTON - Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Monday publicly criticized a federal prosecutor for what she called “a racially charged remark” during a drug trial.

Staten Island's Snug Harbor among locations to get push as city tourism spot
SNUG-HARBOR.jpg At Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden, president and CEO Lynn B. Kelly applauded the idea of the Livingston site as a destination.

Crews Search for Family Who Abandoned Sinking Boat
( Crews searched by sea and air and sought the public's help Monday as they ramped up their efforts to find a husband and wife and two young children who sent a series of distress calls to the Coast Guard the day before, saying their ...

Lawmakers urge Facebook to remove fraudulent Sandy Hook tributes
SAN FRANCISCO | Mon Feb 25, 2013 6:00pm EST. SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Three Connecticut lawmakers on Monday urged Facebook Inc to remove fraudulent and abusive tribute pages related to the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

US Census Bureau drops 'negro' as option for respondents on race
The US census bureau announced on Monday that it is to dispense with "negro" as a classification of race. The change will take effect next year, when black respondents to the census will be able to say they are "black" or "African American".

Hikind apologizes for wearing blackface at Purim party - says offending anyone ...
Assemblyman Dov Hikind apologized this afternoon for donning blackface at his blowout Purim party, after spending all morning defending his outrageous getup.

Longer Airport Security Lines, Fewer Flights with Sequestration
Federal sequestration could mean fewer flights and increased wait times at airports, Virginia lawmakers said Monday. In addition to flight delays caused by sequestration, it threatens to close small- to mid-sized airports across the country.

Obama's Senate gun outreach falling short
President Barack Obama's legislative strategy for gun control may be the reason he gets no deal at all. Obama's team has been working a delicate inside game to reach out to otherwise combative Senate Republicans: The White House conveys messages to ...

Today's edition of quick hits:
... : * Janet Napolitano, the Department of Homeland Security secretary, highlighted some of the many consequences of the sequester policy, assuming that congressional Republicans continue to refuse to compromise.

Why Unions Want a Higher Minimum Wage
Labor contracts are often tied to the lawâ€"and it reduces the competition for lower-paying jobs. Article; Comments. more in Opinion | Find New $LINKTEXTFIND$ ».

Michelle Obama attacked for Oscar cameo
The echo chamber that is conservative “entertainment media” refuses to be entertained by any action of President Obama or first lady Michelle Obama.

Grapevine: Businesses brace for soda ban in NYC
And now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine... Drones? What Drones? Former White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says he was instructed to never mention the existence of the drone program, even though, he admits it is obviously ...

Christie targeted by pro-choice women's group for his 'appalling' record
TRENTON - A national Democratic organization that supports pro-choice female candidates has a message for Gov. Chris Christie: His record is on women and family issues is "appalling.

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