Wednesday, February 20, 2013

[Science] 11 given $3 million life science prizes

11 given $3 million life science prizes
A group of Bay Area tech and investment luminaries Wednesday announced a multimillion-dollar competition for researchers to develop cures for the world's toughest diseases and solve the life sciences' most complicated problems.

NASA unveils stunning footage of record-setting asteroid flyby
The first radar video of asteroid 2012 DA14, the space rock that flew extremely close to Earth last week, was released Tuesday by NASA, providing astronomers with one of the best perspectives of Earth's near brush with disaster.

Star Trek-style holodeck becomes reality as scientists invent 3D vitual reality ...
Computer scientists at the University of Illinois at Chicago have created a real-life holodeck where astronomers can fly over the surface of Mars, and where "Star Trek" fans can walk around a life-size recreation of the Starship Enterprise.

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