Thursday, February 21, 2013

[Science] Bumblebees Communicate with Flowers Via Electric Fields

Bumblebees Communicate with Flowers Via Electric Fields
It's easy to think that flowers don't communicate with each other, well at least not in the traditional sense, but new a new discovery shows that electric fields allow them to communicate with bumblebees and possibly other species, as well as with humans.

Siberian Caves Reveal Advancing Permafrost Thaw
frost-crystals-at-cave-entrance PERMAFROST CAVE: The frost crystals at the entrance to the Ledyanaya Lenskaya cave in Russia denote the region's permafrost, which has been in place for roughly 400,000 years, according to the cave's speleothems.

Google, Facebook execs award $US33m in prizes
Executives from Facebook and Google have awarded $US33 million ($A32 million) in prizes to support research aimed at curing diseases and extending life.

Goldfish influx threatens to cloud pristine Lake Tahoe waters
By Laila Kearney. VALLEJO, California | Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:27pm EST. VALLEJO, California (Reuters) - Giant goldfish have mysteriously found their way into the famously crystalline waters of Lake Tahoe, the nation's second-deepest lake, alarming ...

Space Tourism to Commence in 2018 with 500-Day-Long Trip
(Photo : Reuters) Photo: The world's first space tourist Dennis Tito (C) flies into the International Space Station as Russian Talgat Musabayev (R) looks on and the station's commander Yuri Usachev (L) welcomes them, 30 April 2001.

NASA launches new space tech and exploration division
As part of President Obama's bid to further invest in space innovation, the U.S. agency creates the Space Technology Mission Directorate.

Fresh hope for life on watery world
Titan, the largest moon of the ringed planet Saturn, has been found to have pools of liquid hydrocarbons hundreds of times larger than all Earth's known oil and natural gas reserves.

Suitcase-size Satellite to Patrol for Dangerous Asteroids
Testing to see how the Canadian Space Agency's asteroid-hunting satellite, NEOSSat, fares against radio frequencies. Photograph courtesy Janice Lang, DRDC.

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