Friday, February 1, 2013

[Science] Columbia Shuttle Disaster's Tough Lesson: Spaceflight Still Dangerous

Columbia Shuttle Disaster's Tough Lesson: Spaceflight Still Dangerous
The tragic destruction of the space shuttle Columbia 10 years ago today (Feb. 1) taught NASA and the nation a tough lesson: Despite the strides that have been made over the years, human spaceflight remains a dangerous proposition.

China's Toxic Smog Cancels Flights, Shuts Factories
Choking air pollution in China is going from bad to worse dangerously thick and toxic smog. Has forced factories to close more than a hundred flights had to be canceled.

Scientists Watch a Fish Think
For the first time, scientists have imaged the brain activity of a fish watching its prey. Observing neural signals in real time offers an important glimpse into how brains perceive the outside world.

WHO air pollution review prompts new EU policy promises
The European Commission has promised a review of the EU's clean air standards later this year after new research by the World health Organization (WHO) suggested links between air pollution and health conditions ranging from neurodevelopment ...

Researchers Deny Theory Surrounding Large Comet Wiping Out Clovis Culture
A recent research has denied a massive comet clash with Earth as the reason behind the end of one of the oldest cultures in North America.

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