Thursday, February 21, 2013

[Science] How bees get the right buzz about which flower to land on

How bees get the right buzz about which flower to land on
Flowers “talk” to bees about how much nectar they contain using electric fields, scientists have discovered. The finding explains bees' ability to sense remotely which blossoms to land on, allowing them to forage more efficiently.

Chill turns monarchs north
Monarchs stop for nectar during their migration south. The butterflies don't live long enough to complete a full round trip, making it a mystery as to how they know when to head north.

Siberian Caves Reveal Advancing Permafrost Thaw
frost-crystals-at-cave-entrance PERMAFROST CAVE: The frost crystals at the entrance to the Ledyanaya Lenskaya cave in Russia denote the region's permafrost, which has been in place for roughly 400,000 years, according to the cave's speleothems.

Is Millionaire Space Tourist Planning Trip to Mars?
Buzz is building about a planned 2018 private mission to Mars, which may launch the first humans toward the Red Planet. A nonprofit organization called the Inspiration Mars Foundation - which is led by millionaire Dennis Tito, the world's first space tourist ...

Google's Brin, Facebook's Zuckerberg Help Fund $3 Million Science Awards
The life sciences awards, which will recognize research aimed at curing intractable human diseases, are being sponsored by some technology kingpins.

'Monster' goldfish have long prowled Lake Tahoe, scientists say
Reports of giant goldfish wreaking havoc in Lake Tahoe may have garnered fresh attention this week, but officials say the feral fish are just part of an army of invasive critters that they've been battling for years.

Mercury may have had ancient magma ocean
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb. 21 (UPI) -- The planet Mercury may have had a large, rolling ocean of magma very early in its history after its formation about 4.5 billion years ago, U.S.

Avenging Pluto: NASA finds smallest planet yet
A Moon-size Line Up: The line up compares artist's concepts of the planets in the Kepler-37 system to the moon and planets in the solar system.

Baseball Players and Dinosaurs Don't Mix
Earlier this week we reported on former Oakland slugger Jose Canseco's ruminations on the evolution of gravity and earth scientists' ruminations on the evolution of Canseco.

Flow of research on ice sheets helps answer climate questions
Just as ice sheets slide slowly and steadily into the ocean, researchers are returning from each trip to the Arctic and Antarctic with more data about climate change, including information that will help improve current models on how climate change will affect ...

Something useful for America's underemployed space agency to do
GEOGRAPHY matters. In 1908 a rock the size of a city block hit the Earth's atmosphere at 15km (9 miles) a second. The explosion flattened an area the size of London.

KSC officials: Atlantis will "wow" the crowd when exhibit opens
KSC Visitor Complex unveiled the logo and announced the grand opening date for the home of the Space Shuttle Atlantis. / Rik Jesse, FLORIDA TODAY.

New way to probe Earth's deep interior using particle physics proposed
The picture depicts the long-range spin-spin interaction (blue wavy lines) in which the spin-sensitive detector on Earth's surface interacts with geoelectrons (red dots) deep in Earth's mantle.

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