Friday, February 1, 2013

[Science] Material will allow ships to shake off scum

Material will allow ships to shake off scum
Buildup of bacteria, barnacles and seaweed on the bottom of boats may soon become a problem of the past thanks to a paint-like material that shakes off scum with the flick of a switch, according to engineers working on the novel coating.

China's Toxic Smog Cancels Flights, Shuts Factories
Choking air pollution in China is going from bad to worse dangerously thick and toxic smog. Has forced factories to close more than a hundred flights had to be canceled.

Bay Shows Signs of Resilience
The Chesapeake Bay Program's analysis of recent data on the health of the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed shows an ecosystem that is resilient, even as it remains impaired and population continues to increase.

Scientists create particles that are “nearly” alive
A group of scientists have created a new synthesized particle in the laboratory that is able to act in a lifelike way. The researchers are quick to say that particles aren't truly alive, but they are able to behave in lifelike ways when exposed to light and fed by ...

The Enduring Effects of Ozone Depletion
One of the most sobering realities of climate change is that even if all greenhouse gas emissions came to an abrupt halt tomorrow, climbing temperatures, rising seas and extreme weather would still be in the global forecast for perhaps hundreds of years ...

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